Global Race Against COVID-19 Vaccines

Since the onset of the Corona pandemic more than a year ago the pharmaceutical and biotech companies across the world are set out to research and develop the antidote to the virus that has claimed the lives of millions across the globe.

So far a variety of vaccines against the virus are developed and tested by different methodologies. Those who have successfully passed the clinical trials and approved are providing a varying degree of advantages.

Basis of common vaccines and how they are developed.

A vaccine is basically a product that helps the body to fight against the disease by stimulating immunity against that disease and hence providing protection.

With the advancement in technologies, Vaccines are developed by various methods.
• Traditional or conventional approach- the common method that has been used for a long is to inject a killed or weekend form of the virus and let the body develop immunity against it. This method has been widely used for several vaccines but has a relatively slow development.
• Viral vectors- Comparatively advanced method, a genetically modified virus is used as a vector/ carrier just like a postman. It carries instructions for the diseased virus. Once injected, the body recognizes it as a foreign invader and develops immunity against it.
• RNA based- another advanced methodology is to transfer the viral mRNA (that encodes SARS-Cov-2) into the body, resulting in human muscle cells translating the code into the covid protein ( spike protein) eventually being recognized by bodies defense system and triggering immunity.

Globally approved vaccines till date:

Out of 100+ vaccines brought forward by global biopharma companies, only a handful have passed the trials and tests and deemed suitable for commercial use.

Pfizer/Biotech, Moderna and oxford/AstraZeneca are among the initial companies with approved vaccines already underway for commercial use in several countries.
They have used different methodologies and hence have a difference in the extent of their storage temperature.

More recently China-based company Sinovac is well underway in developing the vaccine using a more traditional approach of killed viral particles. Its main advantage is to be stored at room temperature and administration of a single dose only.

Several other companies have also come forward with the successful trial and underway towards commercial approval.
Whichever approach or vaccine is being developed and administered we hope that this pandemic can be resolved and lives saved in the future.