Habits That You Need To Cut Out From Your Life!


They say that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Can you imagine how many habits you might have picked up on over the years? Yeah. A LOT! Hopefully, some of those habits might be healthy and life-changing. But, there might be a few habits that are toxic and not as good for you or the surrounding people. In today’s article, I will shed light on 4 toxic habits to avoid.

1. Gossiping Habits

Gossip is idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others; the act is also known as dishing or tattling. Many of us may have participated in gossiping in some way or the other. Although it isn’t possible to never have negative thoughts about something/ someone, you can control what you do with these thoughts.

For instance, instead of saying it out loud, write down all your thoughts in a notebook or on your phone, start your voice recorder and speak your mind out.

2. Not Forgiving Yourself

Remember! We all make mistakes at some stage in our lives; but, to find happiness, we must be able to let go of the consequences of our mistakes. But, you must forgive yourself and learn to walk through the pain of your past mistakes.

One thing is certain: you will make mistakes; learn from them, forgive yourself, and don’t hang on to these harmful feelings indefinitely; they will negatively impact your mental health. It’s important to learn to laugh when things go wrong because sometimes they will. Self-forgiveness is the intentional preservation of inner peace and a reflection of a healthy self-concept.

Also, accept your humanity, acknowledge your faults, affirm your emotions, take responsibility, discover your inspiration, consider the lessons you’ve learned, set clear boundaries, treat yourself with love, compassion, and gratitude, and make amends as needed.

3. Blaming

It is easy to blame your actions on someone else, but is that the right way to go? We all like challenges in life, why not challenge ourselves to own up to what we have said/done? The next you find yourself in a situation where you want to blame your doings on someone else, take a step back. Analyze why you want to blame someone else, recognize why it is easier to do so, and then think of a way to own up to your doings.

4. Person-Pleaser Habits

Do you often find yourself doing something just to make someone else happy? Sure. I mean, doing something just to make someone happy is admirable and important at times. But, mostly, the issue is our inability to say no. If you can’t say no to the wrong things, you won’t be able to say yes to the ventures, people, and opportunities that excite you.

Instead, recognize your worth. Remind yourself of your goals and the steps necessary to achieve them. Saying yes to others often means saying no to yourself. Furthermore, figure out what you want to achieve; you must be conscious of your life’s mission, ambitions, and objectives.

Read my latest article here.
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