Al Aqsa

For centuries, Muslims and Zionist  Jews have never come close to each other. According to Muslim scholars, Jews are often trying to establish conflicts between Muslims. This war began at the beginning of Islam. In the state of Madina, when Hazrat Muhammad(SAWW) and the Zionist leaders promised to defend the Madina region from the Kufar of Makkah. They tore that promise, and even tried futilely to help the Kufar and gave them away to enter Madina. They also try to demolish Masjid Al Aqsa for its benefits

Jews and Muslims fought many wars before it.  This war came again in the form of the State of Israel in Palestine. Now, this war has not stopped here, as according to Muslim leaders and scholars, the Zionist of  Israel is planning to demolish Masjid Al-Aqsa and build Haikal E Sulemani.

Muslim scholars such as Dr. Israr Ahmed and anchor Dr. Shahid Masood stated in their lectures that the aim of the State of Israel in Palestine is to build up the Haikal E sulemani; which they want to build up for their King (Dajjal) and from which they hope that the King will make Israel greater.

History of Haikel

Before going any further, it is very important to know about the history of Haikal E Sulemani and its significance among the Jewish leaders

This is a common belief that the zionist and Jewish are the descendants of Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S). The word “Israel” was named after Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S.), and the followers and descendants of Yaqoob (A.S) are called Bani Israel. Two interesting tales linked to Israelis and Muslims are Hail E Sulemani and Taboot E Sakina.

The Jews faced a difficult time and fled to Palestine under the leadership of Hazrat Yusha (A.S.) and Hazrat Musa (A.S.) to conquer the Arab territories. After Hazrat Musa (A.S), Israel had three rulers who were Hazrat Taloot (A.S), Hazrat Dawood (A.S), and Hazrat Suleman (A.S).

Hazrat Dawood (A.S) initiated the construction of Haikal  .But he could not complete it in his ruling time. Its construction was completed in the era of Suleman (A.S). That’s why it named Haikal E Sulemani.
Haikal E sulemani
The Haikal was simply a house for the worship of God. Tabut E Sakina was placed in the building of Haikal E Sulemani, and the Israelis worshiped Allah, turning their faces towards it.

Jinns constructed that Haikal in the leadership of Suleman (AS). Prophet Sulaiman ruled for 30 years, and the jinns mainly carried out his public service. It was a punishment for their sin of making others believe they were all-powerful; they understood the unknown, and they were able to predict the future. As a prophet, Sulaiman (almost everywhere) had the responsibility to eradicate these false beliefs.

Quranic Verses

Allah says in the Quran:
“They worked for him as he desired, making arches, images, basins as large as reservoirs, and cooking cauldrons fixed in their places: “Work you, sons of David, with thanks!” But few of My servants are grateful. Then, when We decreed Solomon’s death, nothing showed them his death except a little worm of the earth that kept slowly gnawing away at his staff: So when he fell down, the jinns saw plainly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have tarried in the humiliating penalty of their task.”

While Dawood (A.S) was the ruler, and Taboot was in his possession, he decided to build a Haikal for the safety of Taboot E Sakina and the assets of the Prophets, since there were many miraculous artifacts in Taboot that Haikal was also known as the 1st Temple.

King Of Babylon

For some time, the King of Babylon, known as Bakht E Nasar, entered Jerusalem and demolished the Haikal. Many claim that the King of Babylon took the Taboot with them,while others claim that the Taboot is in heaven. After some time, the Israelis jews restored the Haikal, known as the Second Temple.

But the Haikal, unfortunately again destroyed by the Roman empire and where they constructed a church in place of Haikal.

In the Era of Umar (RA), the Muslim armies in command of Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) conquered Jerusalem in 637. When Umar (RA) came to Palestine with his servant, he could not find any Haikal there. And he then prayed somewhat near to the Masjid E Aqsa where it is now .

Hazrat Umar (RA) has made the city a Muslim landmark in no time. He cleared all the areas where Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) had visited the heavens. The Christian people used this place as a garbage dump to offend the Jews, and he (RA) cleared the entire region and built Masjid Al Aqsa there.

Now the Jews claim that the whole region where the Masjid was built belongs to them. Even the entire area is very sacred to the Muslims. For the construction of Haikel, the Jews will demolish the Masjid.

Reason Behind Al Aqsa War

According to the leading Anchor Shahid Masood and late Islamic scholar Dr. Israr Ahmed, the Jews would build Haikal in place of Masjid Al Aqsa. The Jews claim that the remaining wall(known as dewar e Girya) of the Haikal will pave the way for their King. That’s why the Jews are burying people in front of the Haikal Gate. They believe that the King will come and bring their power back to the world. and then they will rule the whole world again. They believe that when their King arrives then all the dead bodies will live and serve the King.

According to late Dr. Israr Ahmed (RA), the King whom the Jews are waiting for will be Dajjal. Because all the expectations match the King, for which they‘re waiting. Dr. Shahid Masood revealed that the Jews and Israelis had done all the planning, construction, and design of the 3rd Temple. They‘re just waiting for the right time to destroy the  Al Aqsa and rebuild the Haikal that they call the 3rd Temple.

Most Muslim leaders are sleeping in rabbit beds. But some leaders like Rajab Tayyab Erdogan, after converting the Hagia Sofia (Museum) to the Ayasfya Mosque, see the release of the Al Aqsa Mosque. The Muslims are keeping their hopes on Tayyab Erdogan. May Allah protect Masjid Al Aqsa from the Zionist forces https://rangeinn.com/israeli-forces-attack-12144/; and make it possible for the Muslims to defend the Al Aqsa Mosque from  zionist