Handwriting and Personality-Do They Go Together?

Personality vs. Handwriting

Our personality is a combo of our inner emotions and outer expressions. There are various ways we can deduce an individual’s personality. Even handwriting. Yes. I know it sounds crazy but a person’s handwriting tells you a lot about them. So, let’s do a quick and fun experiment. Go ahead and write a single sentence. Or if you’re just not feeling it, look at a previously written sample. Then, with the information from this article, you can learn more about who you are. Ready? Let’s get started.

Spacing Between Words

Some of us write our letters and words very close to each other. Meanwhile, some individuals give spacious room to every word in a sentence. Isn’t it amazing to think that our handwriting can tell us more about our personality? In fact, The spacing between words depicts how comfortable you are getting close to people. Therefore, large gaps between the words indicate that a person enjoys their freedom and is hesitant towards intimacy and closeness. On the other hand, if your words are close together, it signifies your affinity to people and hatred for solitude.


If you’ve ever analyzed the way you write, you’ll notice one thing. Perhaps the words are straight. If not, they are probably slanted. Also, slanting right or left portrays different personas. Slanting to the right means that you are sentimental and adventurous. Additionally, it illustrates your overflowing love for your friends and family. However, slanting your words to the left typically means that you’re into introspection and reticent. And no slanting normally indicates a person who is logical, rational, and pragmatic.

Size of Handwriting

According to a study, the size of your handwriting represents your level of self-reassurance and self-awareness.  If you look at personalized writing samples, you’ll also notice that the size of your words doesn’t change drastically over a long period. Therefore, this aspect is crucial to understanding your personality. Furthermore, large handwriting means that you’re extroverted and want to be understood by those around you. However, small handwriting might mean that you are reserved, conscientious, and shy.

Before You Go

So, do these situations apply to you? Let us know.
If you are interested in personality, you can check out another article here.
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