Hania Aamir And Asim Azhar Unfollowed Each Other

Why Hania Aamir And Asim Azhar Unfollowed Each Other

Asim Azhar and Hania Aamir have broken up and it was revealed when Hania Aamir in a live session clearly said that they are just friends.

Later, Asim Azhar also talked about how the breakup between them was a mutual decision.

After publicly accepting their breakup they were spotted a few times together but not like old times. However, social media is filled up with gossips of marriages, and breakups of celebrities, and recently, Asim Azhar and Hania Aamir have unfollowed each other on Instagram. They were following each other on Instagram for quite a long time but suddenly it seems like the complete end of their relationship.

Everyone is gossiping about it and some people are saying that it’s just a publicity stunt to gather the attention of people. They are currently working together in the ‘Mere Yaar Mere Dost’ series and it might be true that they are doing this for the sake of ratings.

Today, Hania Aamir also shared a video from Mere Yaar Mere Dost which is all about the beginning of Zain and Zoya’s friendship played by Hania and Asim.

After unfollowing Asim Azhar, Hania Aamir posted her picture with a meaningful caption, “Smile. God has better plans.”


The following and unfollowing culture is not new as Alizeh Shah and Noaman Sami were in a relationship and they were quite open about it but as soon as their drama serial “Mera Dil Mera Dushman’ ended, they unfollowed each other. People called them out for pulling out a publicity stunt to bring ratings to the show. Earlier, Ayeza Khan unfollowed Amna Ilyas when she made fun of her whitening cream ad. Before this, Sadaf Kanwal also unfollowed Saheefa Jabbar Khattak on Instagram for some unknown reason.

In the end, it can be said that Hania Aamir and Asim Azhar unfollowed right on time for their series. Fans of the couple still want to see Hania Amir and Asim Azhar back together but only time will tell.