There are opinions about healing crystals, and there are many! Although there must be people in your circle who are shameless hoarders of these gorgeous babies, there also might be some who don’t believe in them. Even though there are conflicting attitudes towards them, there is no denying the fact that people are gravitated towards their beauty and color for ages, and would perhaps continue to do so.
Historically, crystals were regarded as the most powerful and effective way of medicine. Varied viewpoints about them were lent from Buddhism and Hinduism. There are numerous different types of crystals out there with their exclusive emotional, physical, and spiritual benefits. They are believed to encourage the flow of positive energy, come with healing abilities for the mind, body, and soul and help liberate the mind from negativity and fatalistic energies.
Something to consider here is that there are no scientific researches that support the medicinal powers of crystals. But there are people out there who swear by their healing propensities. Therefore, if crystals fascinate you and make you want to scratch this itch of knowing about them, read this all-fencing piece down below.
Clear Quartz (Balance & Clarification)
This is an all-rounder, multipurpose must-have for any crystal collector. It helps clarify clouded thoughts, gives you clarity, and helps you reboot by silencing any internal “noise” in your system. Popularly known as the master crystal, it helps you envision your goals more clearly. Keeping this by the windowsill would ensure sufficient absorption of solar energy which it can transfer into you, brushing the bad ones away.
Rose Quartz (Love & Forgiveness)

Famously known as the “crystal of love”, Rose Quartz manifests harmony and improves personal relationships. It provides you with comfort and calmness in times of grief and sorrow. It also helps re-establish trust and agreement with people you love.
Rose Quartz is used for personal benefits too. It is believed to encourage love, trust, respect, forgiveness, and finding worth within our own self. By ensuring emotional balance, peacefulness, compassion, and high self-esteem, it heals the soul emotionally by relieving stress, anger, and fear and aligning the state of soul and mind.
Obsidian (Protection, Strength & Detoxification)
Obsidian is an extremely protective stone that guards you against physical and emotional negativity with its high shielding powers. Also believed to help you get rid of the emotional blockage, it encourages qualities like strength, clarity, and kindness. Medically, it is believed to hold detoxifying powers that aid in the reduction of pain and cramps by stimulating good digestion.
Lapis Lazuli (Productivity & Creativity)
Believed to channel your creativity and productivity in the most positive ways possible, this is the best crystal to keep on your work desk. Lapis Lazuli inspires the free flow of ideas amongst creative individuals and encourages clarity and directness, especially during the Mercury Retrograde. Pathologically, it reduces anxiety, restlessness, shyness, nervousness, hearing disability, pituitary disorder, and inflammation. Spiritually, it aids in mind expansion, intuition, creativity, and maintaining a psychic connection.
Tiger’s Eye (Power & Motivation)
This stone is said to boost your motivation and rid your mind, body, and soul of fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. It also helps clear your mind to enable you to make conscious and mindful decisions, inculcating harmony and balance.
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Carnelian (Stability and Cleansing)
This stone is believed to cleanse negative emotions, rid you of envy, fear, angst, and soothe sorrow. Its stabilizing and loving energy can cleanse negative energy from your home and other stones. It is said that Carnelian helps theatrical and acting productions. Physically, it is thought to affect the circulatory system, kidneys, sexuality, physical energy, reproductive system, arthritis, and pancreas in a positive way.
Amethyst (Sincerity & Tranquillity)
This crystal doesn’t only look absolutely stunning, its healing powers range from easing anxiety to ensuring great sleep. Said to aim at the crown chakra (situated in the mind), this crystal brings emotional tranquillity and physical composure. With curative properties like healing migraines and headaches, aiding in pain relief, and ensuring intuitive robustness, placing this crystal next to your bed would calm your mind and give you a satisfying goodnight’s sleep.
By bringing forth humility, sincerity, and spiritual wisdom, it’s also said to promote sobriety. It is supposed that its also beneficial in correcting insomnia, understanding dreams, boosting hormone production, cleansing blood, and relieving pain and stress.
Ruby (Vitality & Emotionality)
This stone helps restore liveliness and energy levels. It’s also believed to be indispensable in the improvement of sensuality and intellect. It is said to bring self-awareness, self-realization and intensifies all emotions. Medically, it deals with problems of cholesterol, blood clots, and impotency. Also, it stimulates circulation, love, confidence, stamina, leadership, and triumph.
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Citrine (Wealth & Optimism)
Commonly known as “The Merchant’s Stone”, it’s long been used to help in acquiring wealth. Highly effective for education and relationships, it also wonderfully balances energy with the solar plexus chakra. It benefits the root chakra in building a feeling of security, warmth, and optimism. Also claimed to enhance mindful qualities like creativity and concentration, helps you release fear from your life. This stone is often used to ease digestive processes, promote good blood circulation, and benefits vision.
Tourmaline (Positivity & Energizing)
By connecting to all the chakras of the body, it cleanses and energizes. It draws in creativity and dispels fear, making it a perfect balancer. Hence it is used for grounding. It also deflects chaotic energy and soaks up toxicity and negative vibes.
The intensity of Tourmaline’s blackness is a deciding factor of its uses, in most cases.
Enjoyed what you read so far? Wait, there’s a part two to this series as well. Make sure you keep visiting RangeInn’s website to read all about more healing crystals in the future.
Tell us in the comments down below, which crystal seems the most interesting to you. And why?
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