Everything You NEED to Know about Healing Crystals (Part 2)


We made a list of healing crystals in the past (link right here) and you all seemed to really enjoy it. So, we’ve made another list of them that you should certainly care to know about.

Jasper (Empowerment & Courage)

It is commonly known as the “ultimate nurturer” and is supposed to uplift and empower your spirit in times of stress and uncertainty. It helps prepare you with what’s to come by soaking up negativity and filling you with courage and confidence, both of which come in handy when grappling with challenging situations.

Turquoise (Balance & Grounding)

It centers all your energies and helps keep your mind, body, and soul balanced. Often used for grounding purposes, it also helps individuals be reminded of the presence of a higher power. Its soothing and healing properties draw in positive energies and expel negative ones, attuning the physical and spiritual planes of an individual. In ancient times, this crystal was used to save people from unfortunate accidents.

Moonstone (Inner Growth & Strength)

When in a rut while trying something new out, this stone will provide you with the strength and courage that you need for “new beginnings”. It eases any feelings of anxiety, stress, and uncertainty while filling you up with self-assurance to keep going. This stone is believed to promote positive thinking and intuition while bringing success and good fortune along.

Sapphire (Wisdom & Prosperity)

Medically, this stone is found to reduce fevers, nosebleeds, and problems related to hearing, eye issues, cellular levels, and blood disorders. It’s also said to enhance communication and connections. Being very beneficial to lessen the effects of depression and insomnia provides you with mental stability. This stone is said to manifest wisdom and royalty in an individual. It attracts prosperity, peace of mind, and happiness.

Rhodonite (Self-Love & Confidence)

Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love. It stimulates, clears, and activates the heart. Rhodonite also grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential. Use Rhodonite as a stone of power, to bring strength and vitality to the body and spirit so they can support higher vibrations needed for personal evolution.

Selenite (Cleansing and Consciousness)

This is another one of the crystals that don’t require clearing or cleansing. It can be found all over the world and exists in different crystalline forms depending on where it is found. The crystals are considered to help one determine a life path and can help an individual in business by clearing the mind for decisions, encouraging flexibility, and increasing knowledge of one’s strengths. Selenite can also be used to remove energy blocks and even align the spinal column. It is used to overcome damage throughout the body due to free radicals and is thought to even extend the length of one’s life.

Jade (Prosperity & Generosity)

According to spirituality experts, it has a positive effect on the heart, immune system, and kidney and cleanses the nervous system. Jade is valued by artisans and craftsmen around the world. It is believed to help in building courage, knowledge, compassion, emotional balance, generosity, harmony, and longevity. Jade is also known as “the dream stone” and “the stone of fidelity.” It was highly valued in Mayan culture because it was thought to bring harmony to the people and their environment. It can be used to build confidence and self-esteem and soothe the skin and stimulate hair growth.

Aquamarine (Calming & Happiness)

Aquamarine is believed to benefit the heart and immune system. It also has a calming effect, reinstates confidence, and uplifts the mood. Known for its comforting properties, it helps release anxiety, fear, and restlessness. It is calming, soothing, and cleansing, and inspires truth, trust, and letting go. In ancient folklore, Aquamarine was believed to be the treasure of mermaids and was used by sailors as a talisman of good luck, fearlessness, and protection. It was also considered a stone of eternal youth and happiness.

Diamond (Amplification & Prosperity)

Diamonds are known to increase personal clarity and trust. It also amplifies attitude, strengths, prosperity, generosity, and love. Very capable of bringing luxury, love, beauty, and all highest stand of materialistic things in a person’s life, a diamond also enables the wearer to do good deeds, meriting commendation & acclaim. It also provokes a state of spiritual ecstasy & enables the wearer to meet the challenges boldly in life. Diamonds are also associated with nobility of character, the buoyancy of thought & a wiser vision, peace & prosperity.

Emerald (Growth & Peace)

Emeralds are used to deal with problems of the respiratory system, heart, blood, blood sugar levels, and eyesight. It also ensures growth, peace, patience, love, and honesty. In the world of spirituality, the emerald strengthens your connection to the divine energies by opening your heart and mind. It represents unconditional compassion, love, and acceptance in every form. It brings loyalty and provides for domestic bliss. Also known to enhance unconditional love, it establishes unity and promotes friendship. Moreover, it also keeps partnerships in balance and can signal unfaithfulness if it changes color. Emerald stimulates the heart chakra, having a healing effect on the emotions as well as the physical heart.

Liked what you read so far? You may also enjoy reading this. It tells you all about how to store and care for all your healing crystals. You’re welcome!

Oh, and if you’re interested to know about cleansing your crystals, here’s how.