There are few that named as anti-aging foods

anti-aging foods

Anti-aging foods that will turn back time

We all know what we eat has a real impact on our body, so we must be mindful about what are we taking in our diet and always ask ourselves did i take the right amount of carbs, protein, and vitamins today? Your diet makes a difference in Your mood and well-being. The given food in this article is part of healthy eating, but they can do more than that, they can turn back time.

There are many foods out there with antiaging properties, that help to make you look younger, keep your hair healthy, or prevent disease.


Pomegranates contain a high amounts of Vitamin C and can also destroy free radicals ( kill those molecules that may damage your cells). It not only vitamin C but also contains a compound called punicalagin that helps to preserve the collagen in the skin.


This soy product improves skin elasticity and also helps to keep your heart healthy. There was research showed that these delicious been can lower your levels of bad cholesterol, it are also linked to fewer symptoms of menopause.


Kale is considered a superfood, kale contains phytonutrients that help guard against sun damage.

Olive oil

Olive oil can be used as a face scrub, olive oil is a Mediterranean diet staple that protects your skin from damage.


While this leafy vegetable is not as popular to use as kale or spinach, it’s still a superfood. There’s evidence that eating watercress can help to lower your blood pressure, keep your bones healthy, and even help to prevent cancer.

Red bell pepper

This vegetable contains carotenoids, which give them their vibrant colour and help to give you clean and glowing skin. Red bell peppers are also extremely high in Vitamin C, which can prevent dry and ageing skin.


Papaya is best for getting rid of inflammation, due to the presence of an enzyme called papain. it can also help to improve skin health and delay signs of ageing.


Blueberries contain high levels of antioxidants. These antioxidants protect your skin from things like sun damage, pollution and stress.


Broccoli has Vitamin C, which helps to promote collagen, it’s a great source of antioxidants. However one of the most amazing properties of Broccolo is a pigment called lutein, which has been linked to improved cognitive function of the brain into your later years.


Spinach protects your skin from skin damage and contains nutrients that promote skin elasticity. Moreover, it also has Vitamin A, which can improve your hair health.


Nuts are hosts to essential fatty acids and can help lower your cholesterol. They also contain vitamin E, which can actually help repair skin tissue. Walnuts are a great choice, as they are especially effective in anti-ageing.


The avocado craze has swept the world, however, this fruit is more than just a tasty toast topping. It contains omega-3s, which fight inflammation, and vitamin A, which helps us to discard those dead skin cells to reveal the glow underneath.