These ways can help you put yourself first

These ways can help you put yourself first

These ways can help you put yourself first


There is the perception that putting yourself first is a selfish way of acting, but rather it’s necessary for your well-being and happiness. we live in an ever-demanding world, we forget ourselves while trying to help others.

You need to understand your needs are also important, you can’t pour from an empty cup. That’s not bad putting yourself first sometimes. However, if you are finding it difficult to put yourself and your needs first, these ways can help you to start putting yourself first.

Learn to say ‘No’

First, you need to learn to say no to certain requests that could jeopardize your mental well-being. Set boundaries and say no by putting your needs first. You need to understand you can’t please everyone all the time. So choose yourself.

Just make sure you have ‘me’ time in your weekly and daily schedule, through this habit you can learn the importance of choosing yourself. It could be reading, dancing, meditation, or giving priority to self-care important in your daily routines.

Learn to delegate tasks

Learn that there is nothing wrong with sharing responsibilities. Remember one thing workload will still be there the next day without you. So, if you find yourself burdened with work and tasks, learn to delegate some of them to others. it’s significant to acknowledge that burning yourself out by trying to do everything on your own it’s not high rewarding.

Engage in regular physical activity

Try to do exercise or physical activity daily like yoga, hiking or any other. it will help you feel less stressed and make you happy. You must know that doing physical activity daily does wonders for your body and well-being.

Treat yourself with compassion

Learn compassion. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, just as you would treat your family and friends. Don’t be your big critic. Don’t be hard on yourself by continuously judging. Learn to forgive yourself for your past mistakes and don’t be hard on yourself when things don’t go your way. You need the same forgiveness, and understanding that you give to others.

Set goals and pursue your passions

Set important goals and work on those goals. Whether it’s learning new skills, making progress in your job, or visiting a desired place, having a goal in your life gives you the purpose to live. Learn to eliminate those things from your life that distract you from achieving your goals. if things don’t work at your time, reset time again and start again. it’s part of growth. Learn to accept failures, it’s a part of growth.

Ask for help when necessary

Ask for help when need. Nobody can do everything alone. Humans need humans. You can’t figure out everything yourself always. You need to understand you can ask for help from your friends and family the same way they ask your help when they are in need of help. Don’t be shy.