In addition to hating “woke culture,” Los Angeles, and the royal family, Brian Cox

In addition to hating "woke culture," Los Angeles, and the royal family, Brian Cox

In addition to hating "woke culture," Los Angeles, and the royal family, Brian Cox


When on a publicity tour for his West End production, “Long Day’s Journey into Night,” Scottish actor and “Succession” star Brian Cox does not hold back when expressing his honest ideas.

These are a some of the items on a list that GQ just put up that represent his top dislikes.

1) The Monarchy

The actor stated, “I think we shouldn’t have a monarchy,” in an interview with Haute Living in March 2023. It doesn’t make sense and isn’t feasible. They claim it’s just tradition and all that. “F*** it!” is what I say. Proceed!

2) Los Angeles

Cox expressed his contempt for Los Angeles in his Actors on Actors interview with Emily Blunt for Variety in 2023, saying, “I used to live in Los Angeles, but I ran out of farmers markets.” And where will I go after that’s gone? When I go to Los Angeles, what will I do? Everyone is in such misery.

3) “Woke Culture”

The 77-year-old actor said, “The whole woke culture is truly awful,” to Piers Morgan in 2023 in reference to “woke culture.” I’m not sure where it originated. Who decides who gets shamed like this?

Citing “millennials” as the vanguard of “woke culture,” he went on. Who bestowed the halos upon them? They’re essentially saying, “Well, you guys messed it up, so let’s take care of it,” I suppose. However, it stems from the incorrect idea. It originates at the wrong location.

4) Method Acting

One specific source of irritation for Cox is the Method acting style, which requires performers to inhabit their roles completely. Supporter of classical training Cox believes this method is superfluous and even conceited.

He’s referred to it as “American shit” and a “disease,” even criticizing his co-star in Succession, Jeremy Strong, who is a well-known Method actor, in his criticism. Strong’s continual character absorption has openly alarmed Cox, who calls it “annoying” to deal with.

5) Joaquin Phoenix in “Napoleon”

Actors outside of his production were also spared by Cox, who called Joaquin Phoenix‘s portrayal of Napoleon “truly terrible.”

“I don’t know what [Phoenix] was thinking,” he continues. I believe that he is solely to blame, and [director] Ridley Scott doesn’t provide any assistance. I promise you that I could have performed it far better than Joaquin Phoenix.

When Cox’s play “Long Day’s Journey into Night” debuted in February of this year, it was met with overwhelmingly positive reviews.