six employees in an open plan work space

Workplace interpersonal relationships are a very important issue that influences many factors for instance the level of employee productivity, has a direct effect on the organization’s culture, misunderstanding, conflicts, and confusions often lead to a negative work environment, have an impact on job satisfaction. Developing interpersonal relationships within the firm will also enhance the interpersonal skills of the people at work, therefore, the interpersonal relationship has a valuable impact on both the individual and the entire organization.

Relationships are necessary for existing systems and are the hub of an organization. It is through relationships organizations maintain stability.

‘CEO should give attention to how workplace organizes relationship; not just its tasks, roles, hierarchies, but also the form of relationships and capacities built to maintain and transform them.’
Further, it is stressed that interpersonal relationships among employees foster cordiality among employees, enrich communication, and reduces interpersonal clashes.
Research has demonstrated that friendships at work can improve individual employee attitudes such as job satisfaction, job commitment, engagement, and perceived organizational support.

The greater is the density of relationships within the organization, the greater is the impact on organizational efficiency and productivity.
When employees positively interrelate in an organization, it fosters love and teamwork, increases the level of cooperation, employees’ morale and motivation, job satisfaction and engagement, and overall level of productivity.
Positive relationships allow the full use of the potential and “support the ability of the employee to engage in the tasks performed.

The interpersonal relationship has been identified as an important factor in the psychological work environment that could affect well-being, job satisfaction, performance, and productivity.

Interpersonal relations benefit the organization in greater employee satisfaction, in better decision making, every individual has the opportunity to express his ideas and views, effective communication, conflicts are handled.
Having a good relationship with your co-workers can also be beneficial when it comes to career growth and development, as co-workers can in a way supersede mentors, though the relationship is different and more mutual. This can be done through information sharing, giving job-related feedback, and career strategizing, not to mention the emotional support and friendship that can be made along the way.
Interpersonal relationships gradually develop with good team participation with other members. On the other hand, these relationships may deteriorate when a person leaves the group and stops being in touch.
Positive relationships bring satisfaction to employees, thereby strengthening their “well-being”, which is an expression of well-being and reflects the level of physical and mental condition.

A satisfied employee shows initiative in operation, he is ready for a longer and more effective working and carries out the operations more carefully, achieving better results.

Mental well-being is strongly associated with the level of happiness and “happy people have a more positive attitude towards others, helping them less likely to come into conflict”
Being together for a long time in the workplace helps develop friendship, meaning in a professional environment not only in positive relations but also an involuntary relationship based on openness to others, to help counteract the difficulties and meet the employer’s expectations. Empirical studies also confirm that interpersonal relationships with superiors also affect the emotions of employees, motivation, attitudes, and health.
Each person entering the relationship with the manager and peers should be aware that different situations are accompanied by other external conditions, inside of an organization, as well as the personal characteristics of employees. But whatever the circumstances are, it is worth to show respect for the other person and take care of disclosing positive behavior, even in the form of small gestures that help to build positive interpersonal relationships