Mental Health Improvement-5 Easy Tricks

Mental Health

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Although it’s difficult to visually observe quickly, mental health really matters. Without a sound mind and easy heart, it is extremely laborious to do even trivial tasks. Furthermore, we feel out of place and agitate quickly. Consequently, one must take care of their mental stability if one wants to live a happy and contented life.

Mental Health Tips

I’m counting down five small tricks you can start using today that will improve your mental health. With little effort, these can be instilled in your routine. As a result, you will find internal peace. Accordingly, restoring your internal peace will make you competent to brave external challenges.

Getting Enough Sleep

There’s a significant reason why our parents constantly nag us for sleeping on time. Teenagers are notorious for falling into this petty transgression the most. We feel as if we have all the time in the world; we’ll catch up on our sleep later. So, they stay up all night messaging friends or watching movies. But, a good night’s rest is essential to wake up energized for the next day. Sleeping is like recharging our batteries. I cannot stress its importance enough.
Also, studies have proven time and again that your mental health is negatively affected if you don’t get those eight hours of rest. Your emotional well-being deteriorates and you’re unable to be your best version the next day. Therefore, I highly recommend you listen to your parents and sleep on time.

Writing in a Gratitude Journal

My best friend, who has been studying psychology for about four years now, taught me this trick. As humans, it is difficult not to fall into the darkness of being ungrateful. However, showing your gratitude consistently helps your mental stability.  Gratitude is linked to emotional well-being. A psychologist found that the best way to use this fact to our advantage is to keep a gratitude journal. Therefore, writing a single entry at least once a day will do wonders for your mental well-being.


If you’re anything like me, you probably rolled your eyes when you saw the aforementioned subheading. Exercise. Exercise! Also, more exercise. Why is everyone obsessed? It’s not fun and you get all sweaty! I completely agree but exercise is extremely beneficial. We just can’t brush it off. Besides, sidelining it won’t make it disappear. Exercise has dual benefits; it improves our physical and mental health. Scientifically, exercise stimulates the production of endorphins which are responsible for making us happy. Mayo Clinic bears witness to the fact that exercise releases all sorts of chemicals which significantly improve our mental well-being. Therefore, I would recommend you try it out. Try walking with a friend for half an hour or so. Just anything that gets you moving and your heart pumping.


This is my favorite tip and I practice it regularly. Sometimes, we all need a hug. A powerful and compassionate embrace revitalizes you. According to the findings in a study conducted by UCLA, hugs produce Oxycontin. Also universally known as the ‘love hormone’, this chemical associates with self-esteem and cheerfulness. Any kind of physical touch will activate this hormone! Also, this hormone aids in coping well with depression and stress. Therefore, the next time you are feeling unsettled, hug someone. You’ll feel a big difference!

Practicing Mental Positive Thinking

A plethora of studies show that the way you think about yourself immensely affects the way you feel. So, you should stop with all those bad thoughts. Instead of thinking about your weaknesses and mistakes repeatedly, counter those with positive and constructive thoughts. Furthermore, repeat words to yourself in your mind and aloud that are sure to boost your self-worth. Remind yourself that there’s no one like you in this world nor will there ever be. Keep remembering your strengths and what you’re grateful for.

Implementing these small tricks will require some effort but you’ll see a dramatic improvement in your mental stability. Your self-esteem will improve and you’ll feel better every single day. Try it out!

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