Bushra’s ex-husband accuses Imran of destroying their house

NAB files corruption reference against Imran Khan, wife

In a candid interview, Khawar Farid Maneka, the ex-husband of PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s wife Bushra Bibi, stated that he blames Imran Khan for dismantling their “happy home.”

On Monday night, Maneka and Shahzeb Khanzada were having a conversation on Geo’s Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Saath. Let’s start with the story of how the former prime minister and his ex-wife met. According to Maneka, Bushra Bibi’s sister Maryam Wattoo introduced them. Maneka claimed that he had a “happy marriage and home” with Bushra Bibi (whom he calls “Pinky”) until Imran Khan entered the picture, at which point his home was “broken.” As Imran’s visits increased in frequency, his mother forewarned him about Imran’s “reputation,” and “I also started resisting [his] advances.”

Imran “started meeting [Bushra Bibi] in Islamabad” after that, according to Maneka. Maneka claimed that Imran would be disturbed when his ex-wife spoke to him late at night. He claimed that eventually, at the PTI chief’s insistence, his ex-wife received a different phone and number from her friend Farah Gogi.

Mankea claimed that while the former prime minister was visiting Bushra Bibi without her then-husband, he once even asked Imran to leave his home with the assistance of his domestic helper.

When Khanzada questioned him about Bushra Bibi’s shift to a rented residence in Bani Gala, Maneka said that the residence was actually his own farmhouse, not a rental. “I was apprehensive about her visiting Imran at his Bani Gala residence while she was living alone in Bani Gala. Every time I had a complaint, I was told that spiritual mentoring was the issue.

Maneka stated that the divorce was not even contemplated until six months prior to it happening. But after a while, I noticed a change in her demeanor. My former spouse expressed to me her desire to move in with her mother and brother. I sensed that something had changed, that her attitude had shifted, so I responded okay.

He gave an explanation of how the divorce happened, saying, “One day, I got a text from Farah Gogi asking me to get rid of [Bushra Bibi].” I followed up with [my ex-wife] to find out why Farah Gogi had messaged me, but she didn’t answer. So I returned in rage. Farah called me again a month later and requested that I get a divorce from my ex-wife.

Maneka said that on November 14, 2017, he had given Bushra Bibi a formal divorce. Regarding Farah Gogi’s part in the whole affair, he stated that even though she was persona non grata in his house following this, she called him a month after November 14 to request a date adjustment for the divorce.

Maneka asked how iddat can begin before divorce proceedings have begun, reacting to an interview Bushra Bibi had given in which she had stated that her iddat was over before she left her residence. Maneka said that was a completely false account of the events.

Maneka told Shahzeb Khanzada that he received calls from Farag Gogi and Zulfi Bukhari during the nikah [between Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi] and that they asked him to remain silent because “Imran Khan wanted to become the prime minister” when he was asked why he remained silent at the time and spoke up now. Maneka claimed, “At first, I took it lightly, but then they got other people to call me too, calls that gave me the impression that my children were in danger.” Thus, I said nothing. But right now, I’m worn out and broken. I can no longer keep silent out of guilt.”

What about the fact that he benefited so much from his friendship with the former first lady that reports of his corruption surfaced and lawsuits were filed against him, raising questions about how he exploited his power and influence? “This is the first time such cases have been filed against me,” claims Khawar Maneka. I’m prepared to take on these instances. In terms of corruption, Bushra Bibi is the one who has left her home and children over the last five years and is being praised; nevertheless, no one has inquired about her and her children’s well-being at the broken home. This occurred while my youngest daughter was a small child.She still cries at night. Our family and our happy house were destroyed by Imran Khan. My children and I have only experienced abuse from others since Imran took office as prime minister.

What about the fact that one of his daughters became a member of the PTI and that another daughter’s marriage was formally celebrated using all of the PM’s formalities? Khanzada questioned why he hadn’t spoken then. In answer, Maneka stated that his two older daughters were both married and had kids. “Mothers and daughters typically have an unbreakable bond. However, the lives of my youngest daughter and sons were destroyed. What about my youngest child, who is currently between the ages of 13 and 14? My sons as well?”

When asked who specifically had instructed him to be silent, Maneka went on to say, “First, Farah Gogi called and said stay quiet.” “Farah Gogi was not just Farah Gogi; she and Zulfi Bukhari were the then PM’s’special’ people,” Maneka clarified. This, he claimed, became clear to him when “I called [former Punjab CM] Buzdar’s PA only once during the entire government tenure, and that too concerning Baba Farid’s shrine in Pakpattan, but Buzdar refused.” I never gave another call. Farah contacted my kids at night to advise me not to get in touch with the CM ever again.

Additionally, Maneka vehemently denied having any connection to Ahsan Jamil Gujjar, the husband of Farah Gogi, asserting that Farah Gogi was the one who introduced him to Gujjar. “We have no relationship with Gujjar; Farah first met Bushra Bibi in 2009 or 2010 when he visited Bushra Bibi.”

Maneka further denied receiving any special treatment when Shahzeb Khanzada recounted to him the full scenario of how Punjab’s resources were utilized to get him and his kids out of trouble with the law. “My children said please do something…why are they doing this to us?” He recounts the two events in which he and his kids were involved with the police. When the authorities stopped Bushra Bibi’s children, Farah and her husband learned about it. Suo-motu notice was taken by the Chief Justice. The Chief Justice interrogated Ahsan Gujjar and the Chief Minister’s representative during the Supreme Court hearings, warning Gujjar that he would face consequences if he interfered once more.

So why did Gujjar assert in court that he was Maneka’s children’s guardian? According to Maneka, Bushra Bibi had ordered [Gujjar and his wife Farah] to take on the role of foster parents for my children. Even if something minor occurred in my home, Farah and her husband would take care of it before I knew about it. But nevertheless, my name would get called out.

Maneka also said that Farah Gogi and her husband controlled all postings and transfers inside the Buzdar government. Although they would be handling the posts and transfers, my name would appear, the statement goes on to say that [Farah Gogi] “is not to be discussed at all.” She is not worth it.”As for the case against him, Maneka said that he “will fight the case against me. I will be vindicated.”