Interim FM Jalil Abbas Jilani speaks to a Turkish news channel in New York about many serious issues

Jalil Abbas Jilani speaks to a Turkish news channel in New York

JiOn Thursday, the Caretaker Foreign Minister, Jalil Abbas Jilani, called upon the interim Afghan government to undertake “tangible and effective measures” against the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), emphasizing that their actions were causing significant tension between the two nations. During an interview with TRT World at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Jilani expressed his disappointment that attacks originating from Afghanistan continued to target Pakistan and urged the Afghan authorities to honor the commitments they had made to Pakistan and other nations.

He stated their commitment to prevent Afghan soil from being used against other nations. TTP attacks originating in Afghanistan and affecting Pakistan remain a significant concern. Pakistan wants a stable and prosperous Afghanistan but worries about the presence of various terrorist groups there. These groups, including TTP and ISIS-K, pose concerns for Pakistan and neighboring countries. Pakistan has engaged in dialogue with the Afghan Taliban, emphasizing the need for them to fulfill their commitments to prevent Afghan soil from being used against other countries.


The foreign minister emphasized the economy’s connection to overall well-being. He hoped the government’s actions would bring economic and political stability. FM Jilani highlighted the promising future associated with Pakistan’s ongoing sectoral reforms.

Fuel Prices

He noted that escalating fuel costs had led to inflationary pressure in the nation and believed that no government could effectively address this issue. He also acknowledged that people knew the connection between fuel prices and international gas prices. Jilani stated that when global gas prices decrease, the resulting benefits would naturally be extended to the population.

Foreign Investment

Interim Foreign Minister Jilani expressed pride in the firm and extensive collaboration between Pakistan and Gulf states, notably Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Qatar. In various aspects such as economics, defense, and politics, as well as fostering people-to-people connections.

“We have recently introduced a new initiative, the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC). Its primary objective is to attract global investments into Pakistan,” he explained.

“It essentially involves streamlining the investment process. This initiative has garnered significant interest from both the Pakistani government and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries you mentioned.”

The minister highlighted five key investment sectors under discussion, including agriculture, which has sparked substantial interest among Gulf nations, the information technology sector with anticipated investments, and the mining and minerals sector.

“In fact, we have already received expressions of interest from GCC countries regarding investments in energy, mining, and minerals. Pakistan is home to the seventh largest reservoir of shale gas, which is another significant opportunity.” Describing the investment climate as promising, FM Jilani mentioned that they were expecting delegations from Gulf countries, including Saudi Arabia and the UAE, to visit Pakistan this month.

“Numerous Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) are likely to be signed during these visits, indicating a very positive outlook for the partnership between Pakistan and GCC countries.” He emphasized that the evolving environment in Pakistan places a strong emphasis on good governance, eradicating smuggling, and combatting corruption within the country.

“Considering these factors, the situation appears very favorable. Fund managers and investors exploring opportunities in Pakistan through the SIFC are likely to find a highly conducive atmosphere for their endeavors.”

Russia-Ukraine war

Regarding the Russia-Ukraine war, Interim FM Jilani emphasized the need for a peaceful resolution and reiterated Pakistan’s clear stance on the crisis.

“We have consistently advocated for peaceful negotiations in addressing this specific conflict, which has persisted for nearly two years. It has generated anxiety in numerous countries due to the economic challenges, fuel shortages, food scarcities, and more that it has brought about.”

UN Reforms

On the subject of UN reforms, the interim foreign minister underscored that the issue had been on the agenda for an extended period.

“Our position has remained unwavering and principled, emphasizing a criteria-based approach for expanding UN membership through a democratic process.”

India violating resolutions

Addressing India’s actions with respect to UN resolutions. He emphasized that Pakistan could not tolerate the elevation of India to an elite UNSC membership. Jilani given India’s track record of violating numerous UNSC resolutions, including those concerning the longstanding Kashmir issue.

“We call for the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions, which call for a fair and free plebiscite, a process that has yet to occur. Kashmir has been effectively turned into a prison for several years, marked by severe human rights violations. We expect the international community to take note of this.”

Caretaker govt

Regarding the caretaker government in Pakistan. Jilani explained that Pakistan follows a democratic process. In which an interim government is established when the parliamentary term ends, as mandated by the constitution.

“Our primary objective is to conduct transparent and impartial elections. Which will take place once the Election Commission of Pakistan announces the election date.”