Islamophobia: Anti-Muslim Sentiments about Islam


Islamophobia is the exaggerated fear, hatred, or preconceived opinion; not based on reason or actual experience against Islamic Religion or Muslim as a geographical force or source of terrorism by the west mostly. Furthermore, misconceptions enhance it, resulting in hate and discrimination. We have heard this in our daily life. It is also believed that Islam suppresses intellect; which is not true as Islam doesn’t only suppresses but also enhance intellect like the way -1 plus -1 makes 2.

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Misconceptions about Islam in the West:

Islam’s religion was introduced by the sword, which is a myth since all of Islam’s battles were defensive in nature; opposed by the enemies of RASULLALLH (SAW). The people are forced to do jihad or accept Islam which is a complete lie. No one may force someone to follow Islam, as mentioned in the Quran.; and one should do it until accepting it on the basis of logic, reason and knowledge. People believe that Islam forcibly compels people to the right path which is completely wrong. It is dangerous and founded on violence; the Quran explicitly states; Jihad is never carried out by coercion; it does not imply forcibly pressuring people to take the right path.

Combat Islamophobia

People really need to combat this phobia so some of the guidelines; were mentioned in the Holy Quran and Sunnah are; It is mentioned in the Holy Quran that all the wars fought by RASOOLLULLAH (SAW) were all defensive wars and were imposed by their enemies. Secondly, the Quran says that Jihad doesn’t mean to forcibly compel people to the right path. Thirdly, Quran mentioned that Muslim should protect the right of non-Muslims and their religious places. Fourthly, There must be no compulsion in religion (Surah Baqarah). Fifthly, Quran says that believers should acquire and seek Imaan which means to believe in Allah. The word Imaan is derived from the word Iman; which means peace and security. Lastly, Quran also says that we should not accept any verse as if we are dumb and deaf and accept it after due thought and consideration (Surah Furqan)