In 2024, Italy Will Need 151,000 Foreign Workers for These Positions

In 2024, Italy Will Need 151,000 Foreign Workers for These Positions

In 2024, Italy Will Need 151,000 Foreign Workers for These Positions


Are you envious of Italy’s gorgeous scenery and abundance of sunlight? With alluring residence and property prospects, Italy is opening its doors to digital nomads, so your dream may be closer than you think.

People looking for a change are warmly welcomed in Italy, especially those looking into jobs in industries where there is a labor shortage. The Italian government is working to streamline the work visa application process for prospective residents, acknowledging the difficulties associated with bureaucracy.

It is a favorable environment for job seekers as the European Labor Authority (EURES) has highlighted important sectors in Italy that are facing a scarcity of workers. It is anticipated that the industries of healthcare, technology, and hospitality will generate over 151,000 new jobs in 2024 alone between 2023 and 2027.

For those eyeing a move, here are nine occupations that increase your chances of securing a work permit

Healthcare and social services professional
Restaurant worker
Mathematics and computer science specialist
ICT technician
Skilled construction worker

Starting this adventure entails submitting an application for a work visa. Usually, the initial step is to find a job with an Italian business. After being accepted, candidates can pick up a work visa at the Italian embassy or consulate in their nation of origin. To assure legal presence and employment in Italy, the next step after arriving is to convert the work visa into a residence permit, or “permesso di soggiorno,” within eight days after arriving.

Anticipatedly, in 2024, the Italian government will streamline procedures, leading to a more seamless process. This results in shorter wait times and quicker processing times, which facilitates the transfer for new users. Support programs, which provide aid in areas like housing, schools, and basic services, are in place to facilitate the transition upon arrival.

Italy is beckoning you to fulfill your goal and make it a reality. It’s the ideal moment to move to Italy with residence and property alternatives available as well as streamlined procedures.