6G Unleashed Japanese Telecom Titans Break Speed Barriers

6G Unleashed Japanese Telecom Titans Break Speed Barriers

6G Unleashed Japanese Telecom Titans Break Speed Barriers


A group of Japanese telecom companies has come together to create an advanced wireless device for the next generation of internet called 6G. This new device can send data much faster than the current 5G technology, up to 20 times faster!

Imagine downloading a whole movie in just a few seconds that’s how fast this new device can be. It can transfer data at a speed of 100 gigabits per second, which is super quick, and it can cover a distance of up to 330 feet.

The companies working on this project DOCOMO, NTT, NEC, and Fujitsu started their collaboration in 2021. They wanted to make sure they were ready for the future when 6G becomes the new standard for internet connections.

Unlike 5G, which uses lower frequencies, 6G will use much higher frequencies. This means they had to create new devices from scratch because the ones we have now for 5G won’t work for 6G.

It wasn’t easy they had to figure out how to make these new devices perform well, and they had to design them completely from the ground up.

Each company played a big part in this project. DOCOMO worked on equipment for one frequency range, NTT focused on another, NEC created a special kind of antenna, and Fujitsu developed new technologies to make the signals stronger and more efficient.

This breakthrough in 6G technology could be used for lots of things in the future, like streaming super high-definition videos, controlling self-driving cars in real-time, and handling the communication needs of all kinds of new technologies that haven’t even been invented yet.
