Jewel’s Secret ..Continued (Part 2)



The princess released her hold on my elbow and met my gaze. Her eyes were filled with hatred and fury. Before following Royce out of the door, she looked directly in my eyes and conveyed a silent message. To a bystander, it would have been seen as a gesture of farewell. But I knew that expression all too well. Her expression was the universally accepted announcement of war and revenge.
She left just as quickly as she came and I slumped down in my chair. I needed to figure out how to control myself. Maybe just drain enough blood to keep the person alive. Or just target ordinary people. No princes. No husbands. No one who could be tracked or whose absence which could be felt.
My thoughts were interrupted by a loud pounding at the door.
“Come in.” I said, almost desperately. The door creaked softly to reveal Royce, once again.
“Your Highness, the King requests your presence at dinner.”
“Of course. Please let him know I will be there shortly.”

I went upstairs to my room and changed into a navy blue knee-length lace wrap dress with black high heels. My father only allowed me to apply makeup whenever there was a special occasion but today I felt a bit rebellious. Thinking today called for a shimmer makeup look rather than my normal natural look, I applied sparkly blue eyeshadow, red blush and to top it off, I slipped on my favorite wine-red lipstick. My hair was still the same, super long and super dark.
I trotted downstairs and into the royal dining room to find my parents and younger brother listening to Royce giving dad the current news. He gave me a small wave when dad was not looking in his direction. I waved back and took my seat next to my mother.

Royce was one of my closest friends. He once walked in on me when I was draining the blood of some self-absorbed prince from some country whose name I could not remember for the life of me. At first, I thought about draining his blood as well but he convinced me that it was not a feasible choice. I knew he had a rather slight affection for me which was probably why he helped me keep my deadly secret locked away from the entire palace. In a way, you could say he was my partner-in-crime. Ever since he caught me, he aided me in finding nutrients or ‘victims’ as he liked to call them.

When Royce had completed his speech, my mother looked at me. She was the splitting image of my younger brother, Jared. They both had golden blonde hair, striking cobalt-blue eyes and porcelain skin. Where my mother was slim and thin, my brother was fat and chubby. The fact that I didn’t look like my parents always pegged me to wonder if I was adopted.But, my mother told me I took after my paternal grandmother. Her hair was just as long and dark as mine. I wondered if she also had a ‘gift’ like me. Not the hair, mind you. I meant the desire to drink blood from gorgeous men.

“Where is Princess Celia? I thought she was joining us for dinner.” My mother asked in a polite but firm tone. Her facial expression screamed worry and confusion.
“She left a few minutes ago. Royce helped her into the carriage.” I said nervously. My hands were trembling and my voice was unsteady and wavering. What the hell? What was I so afraid of? Mom was already worried! No need to act even more troubled and suspicious. Act confident, Jewel! You didn’t kill her. Yet.

“That is a shame. We rarely get any female visitors in this palace. Perhaps you should attend the ball tomorrow and make some friends there.” She replied after some thought.
“Yes, mother. Let me put that in my list of things to do before I die.” I tried to remain emotionless. Mom and her idea of company. What rubbish. I will never understand why she insists I have friends.“Jewel, do not talk about death. Why must you always be so pessimistic?” She questioned me, slightly raising her left eyebrow.
“Everyone has to die. Not talking about it doesn’t make the concept invalid. Don’t mourn for the cocoon, for the butterfly has flown. It is a spiritual journey that helps you travel from this world to eternity. I think-”
“Well, I agree to disagree.” She said finally and I decided not to talk back.

I rolled my eyes and looked at my dinner. Steak. Again. What is it with humans and meat?
Not feeling hungry for steak or anything for that matter, I quietly excused myself from the table. My brother stuck his tongue out at me when mom and dad were not looking and took my plate. Using brother-sister telepathy, I told him: Go ahead! Eat. We both know you will also have two servings of dessert as well.

I kissed my dad on his check and quietly walked upstairs to my bedroom. Royce followed me quietly. His black short curls and deep blue eyes always appeared hopeful and joyous but now he didn’t exude hope or brilliance. Instead he looked concerned.
“So, I take it Princess Celia didn’t fall for your charm?” He asked in an amused tone. I glared at him. If only I could shoot daggers from my eyes.
“You think you are so funny, don’t you?”
“Yes. Thank you, Your Excellency. I don’t think you compliment me often.”

Didn’t get to read part 1? No worries. Just click HERE!