Journaling. Why You Should Do It Too!

In one of my first articles, I talked about how journaling works wonders for your mental health. Today, I’ll delve into more benefits that might just persuade you to take up this activity. Also, I’ll share some personal experiences that will CONVINCE you to buy a diary as soon as you can. So, let’s get started!

Journaling is good for coping with anxiety, stress, and depression

Anxiety, depression, and stress. The three evils that conquer our youth today. But, the good news is that there’s a treatment. In fact, it’s almost like a cure (at least in my opinion). Journaling helps you to put things into perspective. Just as Cohello wrote “tears are words that should be written”, in the same way, journaling helps to manage our emotions and feelings. Especially the dark and negative ones. I highly recommend it to people with a minor case of GAD (like me) or those with subtle or persistent depression. Yes, it takes some time to actually form a habit. But, it’s worth it. TRUST ME!

Improves your communication skills

I know. Wow. Who knew, right? The one thing that most of us have a hard time figuring out can now be done easily. I mean, journaling really aids in boosting your communication skills. How? Well, you learn how to express yourself better. When you write to your journal, you’re allowing your emotions to run free. Also, you become more self-aware (which is the biggest benefit that I’ve reaped from journaling FYI).

Falling asleep

So, Science proves this one. Therefore, you can believe this paragraph wholly. Haha. According to a study, people who write to-do lists and journal about the tasks they need to complete fell asleep significantly faster than those writing about completed activities. Moreover, in another study, college students slept better when they journaled about the bright side of life. So, what are you waiting for? Go to the shop and buy a journal NOW! You’ll sleep better.

Improves memory

This is one that I think our generation needs the most. I don’t know about you guys but I’m constantly being scolded for not remembering things that happened three days ago. And, when this happens, another packet of almonds is bought. Yikes! Anyway, It’s proven that students who take notes during lectures retain information better. Therefore, just writing something down improves your ability to remember it.
So, journaling is a great way to remember specific moments in time and phases of your life. And that’s what really matters at the end of the day!

Mood Maker

Apparently writing down your doubts lifts your spirits because you’re expressing your emotions instead of keeping them bottled up. Yeah. That makes sense. Also, it puts things in perspective and makes you realize that no matter how bad things seem, there are solutions and things to be grateful for now. Yup. Gonna have to agree with this point too. Moreover, writing clears your mind of intrusive thoughts and problems that you can’t stop thinking about. It also helps you identify your triggers and learn how to handle them.

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