July Weather Alert Heavy Rainfall and Flood Risk in Punjab and Sindh

July Weather Alert Heavy Rainfall and Flood Risk in Punjab and Sindh

July Weather Alert Heavy Rainfall and Flood Risk in Punjab and Sindh


According to the weather outlook central and northern Punjab as well as southern Sindh likely to get above-normal rainfall during July.

For Sindh, the NDMA said Mirpurkhas, Karachi, Hyderabad, Nawabshah, Larkana, and Sukkur districts are expected to receive 30-75 millimeters of rainfall in July. These same areas are expected to receive heavy to very heavy rainfall in the second and fourth week of the month

Karachi may receive 50 millimeters of rainfall in the first week of July 75mm in the second week and 25-35 mm of rain in the third week.

It further said that the port city is likely to receive 45-75mm of rainfall in the last week of July. The NDMA warned of potential flooding in the metropolis.

“Additionally, citizens are advised to take extreme precautionary measures, such as staying away from electric poles and weak infrastructure, and refraining from driving or walking in waterways,” the statement said
