Kashmir was never a part of India and it never will be

Earlier on Saturday, India had responded to the prime minister’s UNGA address saying “full of lies, misinformation and warmongering”. Pakistan on Saturday stated at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) that “Kashmir is not a part of India, it never was and it never will be”. In a rebuttal to the Indian statement, Pakistan’s representative Zulqarnain Chheena said India has no claim to Jammu and Kashmir than that of a military occupier.

The representative reiterated that the state of Jammu and Kashmir is a disputed territory. He added that the United Nations will conduct the democratic method through which people of IIOJ&K will obtain their freedom. He further stated that the people of the region have the right to resist Indian occupation.

“Kashmir will be free one day. This is not only a lesson of history, it is also an imperative of justice.” The diplomat reaffirmed Pakistan’s support for the struggle of Kashmiris. “The people of Pakistan, people of the Islamic world, indeed, all freedom-loving people, are with the Kashmiris.”

Prime Minister and Narendra Modi:

In his statement at UNGA, the prime minister sheds a spotlight on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s India. He said India is defined by its oppressive and brutal occupation of the land and resources of Jammu and Kashmir. He also said that “the Indian reply was another shameful attempt to deflect attention away from the real issues”. Pakistan representative said that “India, however, will not be able to escape accountability for its crimes”.

India and Terrorism:

The Pakistani representative also commented on Indian state-sponsored terrorism, calling the country “the mothership of terrorism“. “India has used terrorism against each of its neighbors, against its own people and against the innocent people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

He also underlined the oppression of India in Indian occupied Kashmir. He said In Kashmiri over 70,000 Kashmiri people have been martyred under Indian occupation. “India is actively involved in orchestrating, financing, and providing logistical support to terrorist organizations to target Pakistan from across borders. It has hired organized criminal groups located across our western border to conduct terrorist attacks in Pakistan”.

PM Imran’s Indian counterpart Narendra Modi is expected to address the UN General Assembly through a video statement soon.