K-Electric Demands Sindh Settle Rs1.7 Billion Dues or Face Disconnection

K-Electric Demands Sindh Settle Rs1.7 Billion Dues or Face DisconnectionK-Electric Demands Sindh Settle Rs1.7 Billion Dues or Face Disconnection

In a letter to the Sindh chief secretary and secretary of energy, K-Electric has demanded payment of Rs1.7 bln withheld dues from the Sindh government.

The letter has a list of 64 defaulter departments of the Sindh government. The government has been urged to clear the dues else the electricity supply will be disconnected.

It is to be noted that the Sindh government and K-Electric reached an agreement on the clearance of dues and current bills in 2019.

Earlier, in a move to address the power outage issue, K-Electric and the Sindh government decided to form a joint committee in Karachi.

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A high-level meeting was held between the Sindh Government and KE to discuss power Supply and load shedding in Karachi.

Sindh Government was represented by Energy Minister Nasir Hussain Shah, while K-Electric was represented by their CEO Moonis Alvi along with senior officials and the company’s leadership.

During the meeting, it was decided to form a joint committee consisting of representatives of the Sindh Government and KE to address load shedding and other issues of the city. The committee will jointly work on addressing public grievances, ensuring timely bill payments, and developing strategies to minimize load shedding and ensure uninterrupted power supply in the city.