Her own union was an absolute nightmare: Mumtaz berates Zeenat Aman

Her own union was an absolute nightmare: Mumtaz berates Zeenat Aman

In a recent interview with Zoom, senior actor Mumtaz expressed disagreement with veteran actress Zeenat Aman’s suggestion to be in favor of cohabitation prior to marriage. Mumtaz, known for her iconic parts in Bollywood blockbusters like Hare Rama Hare Krishna (1971), in which she costarred with Aman, cautioned against following Aman’s lead.

Mumtaz advised Zeenat to use caution while giving advice. She has suddenly become quite famous on social media, and I can see why she would be excited to sound like a hip aunt. But growing your following doesn’t mean offering advise that goes against our moral principles.” She continued, (Use Zeenat as an illustration.)Before she married Mazhar Khan, she had known him for years. Her union was an agony on earth. She ought to be the last person offering relationship counsel.

Since then, Aman has responded to Mumtaz’s remarks with grace. Aman stated in an interview with Hindustan Times that “everyone is free to hold whatever ideas they choose. I’ve never been one to disparage my coworkers or make personal remarks about them, and I won’t start now.”

In 1999, Aman discussed her tumultuous marriage on Rendezvous with Simi Garewal. “I realized I had made a huge mistake during the very first year of marriage, but I decided to live by it and make it work,” she had stated. I tried for a full twelve years to make it work. For me, there was no hope for the future. In those twelve years, there was not a single instance of joy or happiness. Still, I gave it my best go at working.

Aman recently called for live-in relationships before marriage in an Instagram post, which spurred a discussion between the two seasoned actors. In the post’s comments area, one of you inquired about relationship advice. Aman wrote, “Here’s a personal opinion I haven’t shared before: if you’re in a relationship, I strongly recommend that you live together before getting married.”

“This is the same advice I’ve always given my sons,” she said, adding that “both of them have lived in or are currently living with someone.” It only seems sense to me that two individuals should put their love to the ultimate test before involving their family and the government in their affairs.”

Moreover, Mumtaz was not the only one who disagreed with this perspective. Saira Banu told Hindustan Times, “We are extremely old-fashioned people, but I don’t read much and I don’t really follow what they (Mumtaz and Zeenat) are saying. We see a 40–50 [years old] trend. (I would never take this advise to heart). That is not the kind of live-in relationship I would ever support. It’s something that I find intolerable and incomprehensible.