Natural food sources for monkeys can upset the environment, wildlife specialists caution visitors

Natural food sources for monkeys can upset the environment

Experts in wildlife and animal protection have warned against artificially feeding monkeys in Galiyat, citing potential long-term issues for the wild population.

The alert was released in response to requests on social media for money to support feeding the malnourished monkeys during this period when visitors are not there.

While other articles encourage tourists to bring additional food or bread to feed the monkeys, wildlife experts have stressed the detrimental effects of feeding wild animals.

Dr. Muhammad Kabir, a wildlife specialist, issued a warning: feeding monkeys might cause them to become dependent on people for food and disturb their natural eating habits.

He said, “The wild population may experience long-term issues as a result of this artificial feeding.”

Muhammad Waseem, the manager of WWF Pakistan, emphasized the need of letting animals obtain food freely in their natural habitat.

According to him, feeding monkeys has the potential to upset the ecology and have an impact on the animals ability to disperse seeds, which aids in plant regeneration.

Furthermore, Sajid Hussain, a Field Assistant for the Common Leopard program at WWF-Pakistan, issued a warning on the rising number of monkey bite cases, which raises the possibility of rabies.

In order to increase awareness among tourists, he advocated for signboards to be placed in Galliyat and emphasized the importance of educating people about the effects of feeding wild animals.

In order to preserve the monkey natural habits and maintain the health of the ecosystem, experts have asked people to avoid feeding monkeys in the wild.