Why do orcas assault vessels?

Why do orcas assault vessels?

Over the past four years, there has been a sharp increase in orca attacks on boats, endangering the lives of everyone on board and sinking ships.

The reason of the orca attacks, which put travelers along Portugal’s and Spain’s shores in considerable danger, has been identified.

According to an International Whaling Commission report, orcas attack ships because they enjoy playing with the rudders.

Renaud de Stephanis, president of Spain’s Conservación, Información y Estudio sobre Cetáceos, told USA Today that “the sea is a very boring place for an animal.” He went on to say, “imagine if you’re a dog or some other mammal, you can interact with objects around you.” However, the orcas have little to engage with in the ocean, so they play with the boat’s rudders.”

“Since the young regional marine mammals have time on their hands, they’ve turned the act of jutting rudder pieces loose into an aquatic sport,” according to expert Alexandre Zerbini, who was quoted by the New York Post.

Orcas began mimicking one another’s actions, which is why there has been an increase in instances, according to Naomi Rose of the Animal Welfare Institute.