What is LinkedIn?

Whether you’re a marketing executive at a major company, a business owner who runs a small local shop, or even a first-year college student looking for their first job after graduating, LinkedIn is for anybody and everybody interested in taking their professional life more seriously by looking for new opportunities to grow their careers and to connect with other professionals.

You can think of LinkedIn as the high-tech equivalent of going to a traditional networking event where you go and meet other professionals in person, talk a little bit about what you do, and exchange business cards. It’s like one big virtual networking event.

On LinkedIn, you network with people by adding them as ‘connections,’ similar to how you’d make a friend request on Facebook. You converse via private message (or available contact information), and you have all of your professional experience and achievements laid out in a neatly organized profile to show off to other users.

Basic features of LinkedIn

Here are some of the basic features that this business network offers and how they’ve been designed to be used by professionals.


Once you’ve logged in to LinkedIn, the home feed is your news feed, showing recent posts from your connections with other professionals and company pages you’re following.

Profile: Your profile shows your name, your photo, your location, your occupation, and more right at the top. Below that, you have the ability to customize various sections like a summary, work experience, education, and other sections similarly to how you might create a traditional resume or CV.

My Network:

Here you’ll find a list of all the professionals you’re currently connected with on LinkedIn. If you hover your mouse over this option in the top menu, you’ll also be able to see several other options that will allow you to add contacts, find people you may know, and find alumni.


All sorts of job listings are posted on LinkedIn every day by employers, and LinkedIn will recommend specific jobs to you based on your current information, including your location and optional job preferences that you can fill out to get better-tailored job listings.


In addition to your connections with professionals, you can follow certain interests on LinkedIn as well. These include company pages, groups according to location or interest, LinkedIn’s SlideShare platform for slideshow publishing, and LinkedIn’s Lynda platform for educational purposes.

Search bar: LinkedIn has a powerful search feature that allows you to filter your results down according to several different customizable fields. Click “Advanced” beside the search bar to find specific professionals, companies, jobs, and more.


When you want to start a conversation with another professional, you can do so by sending them a private message through LinkedIn. You can also add attachments, include photos, and more.


Like other social networks, LinkedIn has a notification feature that lets you know when you’ve been endorsed by someone, invited to join something, or welcomed to check out a post you might be interested in.

Pending Invitations:

When other professionals invite you to connect with them on LinkedIn, you’ll receive an invitation that you’ll have to approve.

We tend to assume that LinkedIn isn’t such a valuable place to be and often, even businesses make this mistake, assuming that it would be far more beneficial to focus on their presence on Twitter, for example. There is a logic behind this – LinkedIn is a place for businesses, but I’m looking to advertise to real people, and they are going to be on other, more laid-back platforms, so I might as well go there, too.


This logic is flawed. Why? We’re just about to show you.

LinkedIn is a more effective social media platform than others for digital marketing. Some reasons are:


  • It is a professional social media network rather than an entertaining platform.
  • Professionals and students are using this platform for career growth.
  • It is a powerful tool that helps a recruiter to find the right candidates to hire them.
  • Similarly, it helps a student to make a career with an organization and a professor to grow.
  • It provides a great platform for business as well.

Today’s world is highly competitive in almost every field. One who can adopt changes and consistently compete with changes can surely achieve success in the respective field. Similarly, the business world also follows the same rule. Success lies behind continuous changes and adaptation of new marketing strategies.

In this context, social media marketing is a modern marketing strategy to achieve business success. And so because of the availability of various platforms, LinkedIn is more effective. It comprises many advantages like the involvement of professionals, job seekers, and students. It is a great platform for marketing and interacting with professionals as well.

LinkedIn is basically for professionals, businesses, job hunters, and students. It specially establishes a positive marketing and business environment. LinkedIn provides a platform where a businessman can interact with others for B2B marketing, partnership, presenting business quality, and many more. It helps in brand awareness also. Businesses can take advantage of expert’s words.

All in all, LinkedIn is a platform where you can enhance your business start your career, enhance your career, learn business strategy, take expert advice, be involved in interaction with an experienced person of the same field, and many more. It gives you to do something more rather than like, comment, share, entertainment, etc.


With LinkedIn, you can build your brand, keep track of your competitors, and be a great place for networking. So it can be concluded that LinkedIn is perfect for marketing and business enhancement. We don’t have to ignore another popular social website as well because they also have significant roles.