Gaza Hospitals come under new Israeli attacks

Israel is under pressure for Gaza casualties

As Gaza officials reported Israeli airstrikes on or near several hospitals in the Palestinian territory, Iran issued a warning that the extent of civilian suffering brought on by Israel’s war on Hamas would unavoidably lead to an escalation of the conflict.

According to Palestinian statistics, as of Thursday, 10,812 people had died in air and artillery strikes in Gaza, with over 40% of the casualties being minors. As essential resources like food and water run out and inhabitants are forced from their homes by shelling, a humanitarian disaster has occurred.

Concerns over whether Washington’s diplomatic efforts and the deployment of American naval forces to the eastern Mediterranean will be sufficient to prevent the conflict from further destabilizing the Middle East may intensify in light of the remarks made by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

As Gaza officials reported Israeli airstrikes on or near several hospitals in the Palestinian territory, Iran issued a warning that the extent of civilian suffering brought on by Israel’s war on Hamas would unavoidably lead to an escalation of the conflict.

According to Palestinian statistics, as of Thursday, 10,812 people had died in air and artillery strikes in Gaza, with over 40% of the casualties being minors. As essential resources like food and water run out and inhabitants are forced from their homes by shelling, a humanitarian disaster has occurred.

Concerns over whether Washington’s diplomatic efforts and the deployment of American naval forces to the eastern Mediterranean will be sufficient to prevent the conflict from further destabilizing the Middle East may intensify in light of the remarks made by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

Although he did not disclose specifics, Qidra claimed that Israel had targeted the courtyard of Al Shifa, the largest hospital in Gaza City, and that injuries had occurred.

The Israeli military did not respond to Qidra’s remarks right away.

Gaza’s hospitals are finding it difficult to handle the month-long Israeli military onslaught because there is a shortage of clean water, medical supplies, and fuel for generators.

According to the health ministry of Gaza, fuel shortages or bomb damage has forced 18 of the country’s 35 hospitals and 40 other health facilities out of commission.

On Friday, Palestinian media released video footage of Al Shifa claiming to depict the aftermath of an Israeli attack on a parking area used by journalists to watch and shelter displaced Palestinians.

A man’s body was lying on a stretcher with a pool of blood next to it.

“With ongoing strikes and fighting nearby (Al Shifa), we are gravely concerned about the well-being of thousands of civilians there, many children among them, seeking medical care and shelter,” Human Rights Watch stated on the social media platform X.

Al-Nasr Children’s Hospital and Al-Rantisi Pediatric Hospital “have been witnessing a series of direct attacks and bombardments” on Friday, according to Qidra. Vehicles were set on fire by strikes on the Al-Rantisi hospital grounds, he claimed, although they had been partially put out.

The ministry released a statement saying, “Indonesia once again condemns the savage attacks on civilians and civilian objects, especially humanitarian facilities in Gaza.”

The Israeli military asserts that it has proof that Hamas conceals command centers and entrances to a vast network of tunnels beneath Gaza by using Al Shifa and other medical facilities, including the Indonesian Hospital. It claims not to target civilians, and it has permitted some injured Palestinian citizens to enter Egypt in order to receive medical attention.

However, residents of Gaza City claim that Israel’s military push into the heart of the city has brought tanks to within 1.2 kilometers (3/4 miles) of Al Shifa, raising concerns about how Israel may interpret international regulations protecting the area’s medical facilities and displaced civilians who are taking refuge there.

Severe disagreements regarding Israel’s military’s compliance with international law have already arisen among some of its Western partners in response to deadly airstrikes on refugee camps, a medical convoy, and areas close to hospitals.

Israel has “a responsibility to distinguish between terrorists and civilians and fully comply with international law,” according to a post made by US President Joe Biden on X on Thursday.

There was no indication of a lull in the fighting, the White House said on Thursday, despite Israel’s agreement to suspend military operations in some areas of northern Gaza for four hours each day.

According to White House national security spokeswoman John Kirby, the pauses were important initial moves because they would let civilians to evacuate along two humanitarian corridors and may be utilized to free captives.

However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu indicated that any gaps would be brief and that no formal agreement had been reached on a schedule for regular ones.

Netanyahu responded, “No,” when asked if there will be a “stoppage” in violence on Fox News Channel. We want to make it easier for people to leave the combat zone safely, therefore we’re doing that even as the fighting against the Hamas enemy—the Hamas terrorists—continues, although temporarily in certain areas for a few hours here or there.”

There were no indications of a break in the battle from the ground in northern Gaza. In fierce street fights, both sides claimed to have heavily damaged the other.