8 Books to read to understand human psychology

8 Books to read to understand human psychology

8 Books to read to understand human psychology


Science always wanted to understand human psychology. For that purpose research studied to understand what drives human actions to what makes us prone to manipulation. if you want to understand human psychology there are some book suggestions from where you can get help.

The laws of human nature by Robert Greene

A timeless and influential work in the field of psychology. this book talks about why humans behave the way they do, Greene uses historical examples to reveal the reason and motivation behind human actions. This subject is to understand people’s drives and motivations, even when they are unconscious of themselves. Greece’s message through his book is how to control our emotions detach from things and master self-control.

The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo

This book reveals how humans can turn their actions and ways according to their situations. How can people turn evil in certain circumstances? Explore the process that makes good people do bad things. How moral people are seduced to do bad things ( acting immorally), and why there is a line of separation between good from evil.

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

In a world where IQ is preferred over EQ, This book is an absolute breath of fresh air. This book highlights the importance of EQ and suggests that EQ is best for personal and professional growth. Also, this book gives tips to improve emotional skills. He emphasises that IQ doesn’t give a guarantee to a person living a happy, successful or virtuous life but rather emotional intelligence. He defines the link between the emotional and rational mind and both play important roles in shaping our decisions and destiny, but still why emotional intelligence is important.

Games people play by Eric Berne

This book explores the psychological strategies people use in various life situations. The book reveals that mind games people play in various paths of life and different situations. This book reveals we all play games in our life and differently depending on people and situations, as well as patterns of behaviour that reveal hidden feelings and emotions.

Influence by Robert Cialdini

The book is mainly centred on persuasion, and it est for those who want to know the principal persuasion. it focuses on why people say ye in certain situations and how to turn the crowd in your favour when need be.

Drive by Daniel Pink

This book focuses on exploring reading behind people who want to give their best in their work. He introduced the concept of intrinsic motivation which is fueled by anatomy, mastery and purpose.

The interpretation of dreams by Sigmund Freud

From the book Father of Psychoanalytic comes the interpretation of dreams both play a very important role in understanding the importance of dreams and their link with the unconscious mind. He was the first to acknowledge that dreams are a window to our deepest fears and desires.

Dark psychology by Michael pace

this book’s concepts surround dark psychology like manipulation, deception and mind control.