NA passes bill to prohibit corporal punishment of children


Corporal punishment or physical punishment, intended to cause physical pain to a person or children mostly in the education sector.

When practiced on minors; especially in home and school settings, methods include spanking or paddling. It also practiced on prisoners and slaves.

It is a common act usually observe in educational institutes against children in the form of punishment in Pakistan.

A bill to prohibit corporal punishment has passed by the National Assembly (NA) here on Tuesday.

The bill prohibits all kinds of punishments against children in all educational institutions.

Bill presented by Chairperson Child Rights Special Committee at SDGs Parliamentary Taskforce.

The NA has passed a bill to criminalize all forms of corporal punishment; at educational institutions and rehabilitation centers.

The bill, however, allows the authorities to sack or suspend those violating the law.

The National Assembly session begins with Speaker Asad Qaiser in the chair.

After the bill passes; Qaiser took to his Twitter to applaud this move.

“Corporal punishment is an unacceptable act in the mental development of children. It is our common responsibility to provide a safe environment in the process of education.

National Assembly has also passed a bill to ban corporal punishment of children; which will play a key role in preventing such a move,” Qaiser wrote.