Nadia Jamil offloaded from flight, Suffer at Heathrow Airport


Pakistani actress Nadia Jamil on Saturday condemned the British Air Ways for the treatment meted out to her at the London’s Heathrow Airport. In a series of tweets, Nadia said she was taken off the flight and was told by British Air Ways staff to go home. “I have never had such a traumatic & awful experience in my life. Cancer & chemotherapy was easier than [the] treatment I got at @britishairways Heathrow. Abandoned in a wheelchair with suitcases lying all around me. Curt, nasty attitudes. Contradictory requests. Exhausted, drained, depleted,” Nadia wrote on Twitter. The actress Nadia said she lost her National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP) and was planning to travel with a photocopy of her NICOP and an expired Pakistani identity card.

“It takes a lot 2 drain positivity out of me. @British_Airways I v never been so intimidated, humiliated & helpless in my life. Your staff left me 2 sleep alone on terminal 5. How did you expect me 2 wheelchair my self & 3 suitcases back 2 cambridge from Heathrow? Kindness counts!” she said. Nadia added, “When an unwell passenger in a wheelchair does not hv correct documents,plz do NOT keep them waiting for 4 hrs,then leave thm alone on a wheelchair,w heavy luggage around. Please hv the decency 2 assist them, w their luggage 2 their transport @British_Airways I fainted in the cab! [sic]”
