NEPRA approves a 4.34 percent hike in electricity rates for September bills, effective for those who signed a final cost allocation agreement in July.


NEPRA approves a 4.34 percent hike in electricity rates for September bills, effective for those who signed a final cost allocation agreement in July.

After the fuel cost adjustment in July, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) in Islamabad on Monday approved an RS4.34/unit rise in electricity rates for the ex-WAPDA Distribution Companies (FCA).

The Central Power Purchasing Agency-Guarantee (CPPAG) requested an increase of Rs4.6954 per unit, and NEPRA, after careful consideration, issued an increase of Rs4.3435 per unit to account for fluctuations in fuel costs in July 2022. Nonetheless, the Authority gave the CPPAG’s report a thorough read-through. Compared to the reference fuel cost component of Rs6.2879/kWh, the actual pool fuel cost for July 2022 was found to be Rs10.6314/kWh.


In addition, the statement clarified that EVCS and lifeline consumers will be exempt from the gasoline price hikes. It went on to tell Discos to break out FCA charges for customers beginning with July 2022’s unit billings. Bills for electric service sent out in September would be used for the collection.


The current rise will bring in an extra Rs69 billion for the government in September 2022, between the monthly fuel charges adjustment (FCA) and the 17 percent general sales tax (GST).

NEPRA approved a quarterly tariff adjustment (QTA) mechanism last week that will allow power distribution companies (Discos) to increase electricity rates by Rs3.39 per unit. The QTA for the third quarter is now at RS3.21 per unit, but the regulator has approved a rate increase of Rs3.39, which will go into effect on October 1. (January-March). There would be a lag in profits for the discos, but the added cost to the consumer would be little at only 18 paise per unit. Three months’ time. This new quarterly transitional allowance (QTA) of R$3.39 per unit will be in effect from October through December.