New Vocabulary, More Confidence—Learn These Words Now!


I love words. I know it might sound silly but words are beautiful. They have the power to stir our imaginations. In fact, just reading a few words sets up a flamboyant and suspenseful scenario in our minds. Unlike art, which is extremely confounding, words can be as simple or difficult. However, understanding those difficult words is worth the challenge! So, get out your dictionaries and loosen up your brains, we’re going to delve deep into the new vocabulary you should be using!

Logophile- Her Obsession is Vocabulary!

Before you finish reading this article, I’m 100 percent sure most of you will look up the aforementioned word. However, I’ll save you time. Basically, logophile means “a person who loves words”. As a self-professed logophile, I feel confident that I have the necessary mastery required to write about words. Vocabulary is something we all know about. Honestly? We all have had teachers who have been obsessed with learning new vocabulary. But, the process doesn’t really end there. If you were like me, then our teachers made us inculcate these words into daily use. I know. Tough!

Let’s Go

However, I will say that it improves communication. Here, I’m talking about reading, writing, speaking, and listening! If you’ve ever wanted to improve your communication skills, just keep reading. Down below, I’m sharing ten words you NEED to incorporate into your vocabulary. RIGHT NOW! They’re not too difficult but will make you sound more intellectual and fluent. Let’s get it!

  1. Prig

I learned this word recently while reading a novel. It means “a self-righteously moralistic person who behaves as if they are superior to others”. Now that you know what it means, you can use it in a sentence. For example, Clara is such a prig; she’s religious but she’s always putting others down.

  1. Extol

This word kind of jumped on me. I was surfing the internet and viola, it was there. Who really knows where it came from? Anyhow, extol means “to praise enthusiastically”. Let me give you an example: Daniela extolled the researcher’s efforts in finding the Covid-19 vaccine.

  1. Crass

First, don’t mix this up with grass! Crass means “showing no intelligence or sensitivity.” Try to form a sentence with the word crass. It’s not that difficult. Let me share my sentence: please refrain from making crass comments.

  1. Retribution

Firstly, this word is a personal favorite. Retribution signifies “punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act”. To exemplify this situation, I will provide a convenient phrase: she had asked not to be identified as she feared retribution.

  1. Pestilence

Since the lockdown and the ongoing pandemic, this word has been in use. We hear it a lot these days. But, what does it mean? Actually, it refers to “a fatal epidemic disease”. If we look at history, the bubonic plague was an example of a pestilence. This is a great vocabulary word you can start using now.

More Words

  1. Incorrigible

I have to confess a secret. This is probably the best word to describe my friends. It means “not able to be changed or reformed.” So, there you go. My friends are absolutely incorrigible. If YOU are reading this, I’m joking. Maybe.

  1. Permissive

First of all, please tell me you didn’t read the above word as a pessimist. Look again. It’s different. In fact, this word is defined as “allowing or characterized by great or excessive freedom of behavior”. Unfortunately, I don’t get to use this word often. Furthermore, I have yet to meet anyone with permissive parents.

Wanna learn words that will make others listen? Check this out!

  1. Inane

Quite similar to insane, this word means “silly or lacking sense”. Now, I know some of you are wondering. Is it an adjective? Yes! It might just be your new favorite adjective to describe that one friend who’s just … inane. See what I did there?

  1. Anti-Semitic

I think Hitler used this often. Or was it that people employed this word while talking about Hitler. If you haven’t guessed yet, it means “hostile to or prejudiced against Jewish people”. Yeah. Hitler was an anti-Semitic and cynical person.

  1. Epitome

I hear this word frequently in my classroom but it’s never pronounced the correct way. Want to know the correct pronunciation, just click here. Anyway, epitome means “a person or thing that is the perfect example of a particular quality or type”. For example, mothers are epitomes of unconditional love and sacrifice. Furthermore, you can build up your vocabulary by searching for synonyms.

Before You Go

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