A startling increase in sacrilegious behavior on social media

Florida forbids children from accessing social media

Florida forbids children from accessing social media


The speakers at an awareness workshop at Isra University in Hyderabad on Monday said that higher education institutions can play a significant role in raising awareness about digital literacy and appropriate online behavior to stop the growing number of blasphemy cases. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness about the dangers of blasphemous materials and actions on social media in relation to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

SSP Amjad Ahmed Shaikh, the chief of district police in Hyderabad, voiced alarm over the startling increase in sacrilegious activity on social media during his address. He referenced a research that stated that 400,000 social media accounts in Pakistan had been linked to these kinds of operations. “A significant number of these perpetrators are either students or graduates,” he pointed out.

In order for colleges to help prevent blasphemy on social media, he proposed that they launch an awareness campaign. He reminded educators and parents of their duty to inculcate in young people a respect for sacred texts, prophets, faiths, and religious personalities. He thought that education regarding the good and bad uses of contemporary technology should be given to the younger generation.

The director of the Isra Islamic Foundation (IIF), Prof. Dr. Hameedullah Kazi, issued a warning against outside forces using social media to try to destabilize Pakistan. He emphasized that in order to stop the improper use of digital platforms, there must be significant state action.

He emphasized the significance of Islamic principles in forming the country and asserted that Muslims might draw strength from the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his Seerah. The purity of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Pakistan, and its institutions should be emphasized, he pleaded with educators, parents, and other authorities.

At the end of the session, there was a demand for group accountability and measures to protect religious sensitivities while encouraging social media usage that is appropriate. It emphasized how crucial it is to cultivate an environment of decency, acceptance, and comprehension in the digital sphere.
