Bubbles, the chimpanzee owned by Michael Jackson, turns 40 today at the sanctuary

Bubbles, the chimpanzee owned by Michael Jackson, turns 40 today at the sanctuary

Bubbles, Michael Jackson’s chimpanzee, recently had his 40th birthday at the Center for Great Apes in Florida. In the 1980s, Bubbles lived with Jackson, made appearances in music videos, and even embarked on a tour.

According to Patti Ragan, the Center’s founding director, “he did get a cake, but it’s a special ape-healthy cake,” as stated in the New York Post. “We used mashed bananas to frost it and added a tiny bit of blue food coloring before writing his name in blueberries.”

Many on social media commented on how surprised they were by Bubbles’ lifespan and how curious they were to know where he was. “I’ve always been curious about Bubbles’ fate. I’m relieved he’s still with us,” a Reddit member commented.

Due to his stature and power, Bubbles left the entertainment industry. The Center claims he is uncomfortable with cameras these days. “Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son,” said the Center. “After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.”

Living with other chimpanzees at the Center, Bubbles likes to paint and spend quiet time with caregivers. He is characterized by the Center as “artistic, gentle, and shy.” “Bubbles will occasionally spit water or throw sand (with amazing accuracy) at strangers, just to see how they react,” they humorously added.