Danish law against the desecration of the Quran: MQI

Great accomplishment: Danish law against the desecration of the Quran: MQI

The Minhajul Quran International (MQI) declared on Monday that it had accomplished a noteworthy feat when it successfully lobbied the Danish government to pass a historic law that forbids the destruction of the Holy Quran.

The effort was launched by MQI’s Denmark branch in cooperation with the local Muslim community and civil society, according to an official statement from the organization. Its goal was to confront upsetting instances of Holy Quran desecration in Denmark. Conversations at the official and non-governmental levels were part of the endeavors.

The spokesman emphasized that as a result of these conversations, the Danish government was persuaded to make desecration of the Holy Quran a crime, redefining it as an offense rather than just a question of expressing one’s right to free speech.

The Danish Muslim community was distressed prior to the legislation when the Holy Quran was unceremoniously burned every Friday outside of several mosques. The spokesperson disclosed that in response to such instances, MQI’s Denmark chapter would work with civil society to distribute copies of the Holy Quran translated into Danish, thereby encouraging positive change in the attitudes of non-Muslims.

Public opinion was largely shaped by the translated Holy Quran, and a productive conversation on the matter was fostered by the cooperation of the local Muslim community and civic society. Eventually, the combined efforts were successful in getting the government to pass the anti-desecration law.

In the meantime, Dr. Hassan Mohiud Din Qadri, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Muslim Qadri, and Dr. Hussain Mohiud Din Qadri, President of the MQI, released a joint statement highlighting the significance of awareness over enthusiasm in preserving the religion, beliefs, and practices of Islam.

They emphasized that while discussing issues pertaining to Islam, especially in nations where Islam is not the official religion, civil discourse and adherence to legal norms are essential.

The leaders emphasized the teachings of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahirul Qadri, who has continuously pushed for resolving disputes through pacifism, respect for the law, dialogue, moderation, and tolerance, in line with the lessons taught by the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and asserted that illegitimate means should be avoided when pursuing legitimate demands.

The leaders concluded by congratulating the entire organization and citing the accomplishments of MQI’s Danish chapter as evidence of Shaykh-ul-Islam’s forward-thinking methodology.