India claims to have uncovered a trafficking network that tricks individuals into fighting in Ukraine for Russia

India claims to have uncovered a trafficking network that tricks individuals into fighting in Ukraine for Russia

With the promise of jobs, India claimed to have discovered a “major human trafficking network” that enticed young men to Russia only to coerce them into fighting in the conflict in Ukraine.

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) said late on Thursday that some 35 personnel had been dispatched to Russia as part of the program so far; this is an increase from the 20 guys that the Indian foreign ministry had previously acknowledged.

According to their relatives, at least two individuals who traveled to Russia with the intention of joining the army as “helpers” have lost their lives in battle. One of those fatalities was confirmed by the Indian Embassy in Russia.

The CBI stated in a statement that the traffickers, who were active in many Indian states, used social networking sites and local agents to target individuals.

Some of the men were allegedly lured in with promises of “free discounted visa extensions” and admission to “dubious private universities” in Russia, according to the CBI’s criminal case.

The CBI stated that some of the victims had also suffered “grievous injuries” in the conflict zone. “The trafficked Indian nationals were trained in combat roles and deployed at front bases in Russia-Ukraine War Zone against their wishes,” the agency added.

According to the CBI, searches were underway at many places, including the nation’s capital New Delhi and Mumbai, the financial hub, and cash worth 50 million rupees ($605,000) had already been found, along with certain papers and electronic data.

“Certain suspects have also been detained for questioning at various locations,” added the statement.

According to the foreign ministry, Moscow has been “strongly taken up” with every instance of Indians being tricked into fighting in the war.

In videos that have been making the rounds on social media this month, seven men have asked for assistance from the Indian government to get back home. They claim that while they had tourist visas to Russia, they are now being compelled to serve in its army.

“We are attempting to get in touch with the individuals in the videos that we have viewed,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Randhir Jaiswal stated on Friday.

Requests for comment on the matter have not received a response from the Russian foreign ministry.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, thousands of people have killed on both sides in what Moscow called a “special military operation.”

For many years, New Delhi and Moscow have had a tight connection. India has urged the two parties to resolve the issue through diplomatic and discussion means, refusing to denounce Russia for its involvement in the war in Ukraine.

To the dismay of Western capitals, India has increased its imports of inexpensive Russian oil.