Punjab government delivers a warning to Lahore private schools

Punjab government delivers a warning to Lahore private schools

On Wednesday, the Punjab government sent out a warning to parents of kids attending private schools in Lahore that require them to give extra money on top of their monthly tuition or that need them to purchase books and uniforms from particular stores.

The principals and proprietors of the private schools in Lahore received a notification from the District Registration Authority, which was signed by Deputy Commissioner Rafia Haider of Lahore.

“As per Section 7A(7} and (10) of The Punjab Private Educational Institutions (Promotion and Regulation) Ordinance 1984, the private school can charge the fee only tuition and admission fee and cannot bound the children to purchase the uniform and books from a particular shop or provider,” said the letter.

The event transpired subsequent to DC Haider giving CEO of Education Lahore Pervez Akhtar instructions to send warning letters to all private educational institutions inside the district.

“I, Rafia Haider, Deputy Commissioner, Lahore/Chairperson, District Registering Authority, am of the considered opinion that the Principal of LACAS School is frankly conceded that he is charging the technology fee other than” tuition and admission fee, and School management ts also bounded the children to purchase the Book and Uniform from their approved three vendors, so, the Chief Executive Officer of the District Education Authority, Lahore (being Secretary, District Registering Authority) is directed to issue Warning Notice to the LACAS School administration regarding contravention of provisions of ibid Ordinance.” she stated.

Meanwhile, Akhtar made it clear that the aforementioned law’s clauses 9 and 11 will be applied to the aforementioned institution in the event that a complaint is filed.

He continued by saying that parents must purchase books and that any private school that attempts to raise money for purposes other than uniform purchases or monthly fees will face consequences.

“After serving the notice, if the School violates, then, complaint may be placed before the District Registering Authority for imposing the penalty,” the decree stated.

The directive further said that the schools would be punished in accordance with the terms of the Punjab Private Educational Institutions (Promotion and Regulation) Ordinance 1984 if they did not comply with the aforementioned prompt warning.

It further requested that the educational institutions “submit compliance report indicating the necessary steps taken by your office in respect of the instant warning as well as implementation of Section 7A(7) and (10) of The Punjab Private Higher Education Institutions [Promotion and Regulation) An ordinance 1984, so that this office would be able to transmit the same to the Chairperson District Registration Authority Lahore.”