The oldest man in the world is 111-year-old John Alfred Tinniswood, who was born the year the Titanic sank

The oldest man in the world is 111-year-old John Alfred Tinniswood

John Alfred Tinniswood, 111, of England is now officially recognized as the oldest living person in the world by Guinness World Records.

The event happened when Juan Vicente Pérez, a Venezuelan who was 114 years old, passed away.

Gisaburo Sonobe, a 112-year-old Japanese man, was first thought to hold the new record, but it was just revealed that he passed away on March 31. Tinniswood was fortunate in this regard.

The 111-year-old is still capable of doing most everyday activities without help, including getting out of bed on his own, handling finances, and listening to the radio to stay current on events.

He remarked that “pure luck” is the reason for his long life. Born the year the Titanic sank, Tinniswood stated, “You either live long or you live short, and you can’t do much about it.”

As of April 5, 2024, he is precisely 111 years and 223 days old.

He is a great-grandfather who is currently living in a care home in Southport. The staff members there refer to him as a “big chatterbox.”

He counsels against smoking. He also starts drinking. Having survived both World Wars, Tinniswood worked for the Army Pay Corps in an administrative capacity during the Second World War.

His wife, Blodwen, died in 1986, following a 44-year marriage that began in 1942. In addition to three great-grandchildren, he has four grandkids.