In 2023, 11 children in Pakistan are being abused daily

In 2023, 11 children in Pakistan are being abused daily

In 2023, 11 children in Pakistan are being abused daily


According to a report published by a non-profit organization (NGO) dedicated to child safety, at least 4,213 children experienced abuse in 2023, with an average of 11 children being assaulted every day throughout the year in Pakistan.

The National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) supported the introduction of Sahil’s hallmark publication, “Cruel Numbers 2023,” on Thursday.

According to the research, which was cited in the NCHR statement, 4,213 incidences of child abuse were recorded in 2023 from all four provinces—Islamabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Gilgit Baltistan (GB), and others.

The overall number of cases includes documented cases of child marriage, kidnapping, child disappearance, and child sexual abuse.

“Acquaintances most involved in CSA”

A gender division study of the data reveals that, of all child abuse incidents that were reported, 2,251 (53%) and 1962 (47%) of the victims were females. According to the survey, children between the ages of 6 and 15 are the most vulnerable to abuse; more boys than girls were recorded as victims in this age range.

Furthermore, 0–5-year-old children were also victims of sexual abuse. According to the Cruel Numbers 2023 abuser’s category, acquaintances, relatives, family members, strangers, and women who assist them continue to be the most common parties involved in child sexual abuse.

According to the geographical divide statistics, of the 4,213 instances that were reported, 75% came from Punjab, 13% from Sindh, 7% from the capital region of Islamabad, 3% from KP, and 2% from Balochistan, AJK, and GB.

We need to take child abuse seriously, stated NCHR Chairperson Rabia Javeri Agha in her speech on this particular occasion. Sahil’s stated stats are harsh, to be sure, but that’s the truth we have to face. It is regrettable that the Pakistani government still lacks a national action plan on child abuse in light of these concerning statistics.

Article 25-A of the Pakistani Constitution guarantees free education for children aged five to sixteen, according to Manizeh Bano, Executive Director of Sahil. “This needs to be put into practice to guarantee children’s education. To deliver education centered on life skills, the curriculum must be drastically improved.

“Victims of both genders equally”

According to the Cruel Number 2023, 91% of all reported cases were registered with the police. According to the research, this is a good indication that the police are actively addressing the problem.

It demonstrates that there were 2,021 CSA cases, with victims of both genders suffering equally. 1,833 cases of kidnapping were reported, and 61 cases of murder following sexual abuse were completed. There were 330 occurrences of missing children and 29 child marriages, 27 involving girls and 2 involving boys.

Sahil also kept an eye on cases of minors, up to the age of 18, who had passed away or sustained injuries this year. Among the 2,184 cases that were tracked, the greatest percentage involved children: 694 drowning deaths, 401 accident deaths, 286 murders, 121 torture deaths, 111 injuries, 110 suicide deaths, and 103 electric shock deaths.

Through daily monitoring of 81 national and regional publications, Sahil has developed “Cruel Numbers 2023.” The purpose of this paper is to add to the body of knowledge already available on child sexual abuse (CSA) in Pakistan and to provide data on the state of child abuse.

Furthermore, the research also aims to help all facets of society become more conscious of and knowledgeable about the many forms of CSA.