What is Night-Time Depression.. and is it SERIOUS?


Depression at night??

Have you heard of nighttime depression? Much like the name suggests, it’s the phenomenon of hopeless feelings intensifying at bedtime. Sounds familiar. Yeah… every single night! It has many causes, some of which include insomnia, ruminating at night, and circadian rhythm disruptions. However, many people may not realize they’re suffering from this or simply dismiss it as unimportant. Well, at least you know one person who didn’t even think it was a big deal. In reality, nighttime depression is real, and you could be experiencing a moderate form of it without even knowing. Hence, let’s look at it. Come on!

Don’t wake me up

At night, do you dread getting up tomorrow only to “have to do it all over again?” Many people suffering from depression struggle to find joy and meaning in life. This can make living feel exhausting and the thought of repeating days over and over daunting. These thoughts can intensify at night when there are no distractions, so they begin to ruminate about how hopeless life seems. After a while, they may get lost in thought and spiral into a negative thinking cycle. If this describes you at night, you may be suffering from nighttime depression. Therefore, try to recognize when your thoughts are spiraling like this and plan coping strategies with the help of a loved one or trusted professional.

Can’t Switch Off

When you’re lying in bed trying to fall asleep, what do you think of? Many people suggest counting sheep or another mindless task to help drift off. However, people with depression sometimes aren’t able to stop thinking or “switch off” their minds like that. They may begin to replay embarrassing scenarios in their head, hyper-focus on everything going wrong in their life, or contemplate how hopeless things seem. Therefore, no matter what they say to reassure themselves, or how exhausted they get, their mind just won’t stop running at a million miles per hour. Does this sound like you? If so, you may be suffering from nighttime depression, anxiety, or a combination of both.

Wait. What is HOPE?

Are you tired all the time? This is a major symptom of depression since sometimes regardless of how much sleep someone with it gets, they’ll still wake up exhausted. This constant tiredness can make sleep seem pointless or like a chore. After a while, they may begin to feel hopeless because sleep isn’t providing the relief they need. Nighttime depression can be both a cause and symptom of sleep not rejuvenating you, so if you struggle with this complex problem, it’s best to seek professional help from a therapist or sleep psychiatrist.

Sometimes, I have nightmares…

Do you suffer from night terrors? They’re a common symptom of depression, so you are not alone. Many people with depression have insomnia and increased anxiety, which tends to cause night terrors and sleep paralysis. Night terrors are episodes of screaming, intense fear, and flailing while still asleep. Similarly, sleep paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but unable to move when a person passes between stages of wakefulness and sleep. Both are incredibly stressful and traumatic, often causing you to wake up multiple times in the middle of the night in either hot or cold sweats. If this sounds like you, don’t be afraid to reach out for help! Night terrors aren’t childish or something to be ashamed of, so don’t feel as if you need to deal with them alone.

The Conclusion

The bottom line is nighttime depression is more common than most people expect. In fact, it can be a traumatic experience, so if you know anyone going through it, try to be as empathetic, patient, and kind as possible. If you yourself are suffering from it, you have our support and encouragement and as always, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Please! Remember, it doesn’t make you weak, crazy, or a burden.

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