O levels & IGCSE exams would be held from May 10; Shafqat Mahmood

Shafqat Mahmood

Shafqat Mahmood


On Monday Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood confirmed that O level/IGCSE in Pakistan will be held from May 10 following consultations with Cambridge.

Shafqat Mahmood said that he had received a letter from Christine Ozden, CEO Cambridge. They were requesting that the O level/IGCSE exam should be allowed to start from May 10 instead of May 15.

After consultation with provinces/stakeholders, we have agreed. Now O level/IGCSE will start from May 10.

Education Minister had also cited a letter from Ozden. Wherein the CEO Cambridge had said that the exam at the earlier date would “help us to enable many more students to progress and [that] their equivalence in the education system will be fairer.”

He said that he had spoken to the Country Director Cambridge in Pakistan and that the O levels & IGCSE exams would be held from May 10; Shafqat Mahmood will facilitate the process.

On March 25, after concerns by thousands of students. The minister said that Cambridge International had agreed to reschedule. O level exams to after May 15 amid an uptick in Covid-19 cases in the country.

However, he had said about “A” and “As” level exams. That it will take place as per the original timetable, following all SOPs against the coronavirus.

A total of about 90,000 students from all over Pakistan will participate in the A and O Level examinations for June 2021 series. In which about 50,000 will take part in the rescheduled O Level examinations.