Fatima Bhutto criticizes ‘pop-feminists’ for their silence on Palestine, calling them attention-seekers and frauds

Fatima Bhutto slams ‘pop-feminists’ for silence on Palestine

In the face of international calls for a truce, Israel proceeded to attack hospitals and refugee camps, forcing thousands of Palestinians to flee to the south. As of Friday, the majority of the dead in air and artillery assaults on Gaza were women, children, and senior citizens, with at least 11,078 Gazans killed since October 7, according to Palestinian sources.

Al Jazeera reports that a power outage at Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit claimed the lives of two premature babies and put the lives of 37 other infants at risk as the neonatal unit’s incubators stopped working, depleting its fuel supply.

Author and columnist Fatima Bhutto, who has frequently denounced Israel’s escalating persecution of Palestinians, responded to the news by posting a series of quote replies criticizing “pop-feminists” for their selective outrage and drawing comparisons between their silence on Israel’s apartheid and their outrage over acts of violence against white people.

The writer wrote, “Every female celebrity under the sun stood beside a racist French magazine, wearing Charlie Hebdo accessories, and wore a woman life freedom T-shirt and Times Up badges.” And yet, you have expressed absolutely nothing at all regarding the mothers whose infants are left to perish without oxygen.

Accusing that humanitarian concerns are being picked apart, Fatima added, “When these pop-feminists speak about ‘feminism,’ ask them what they said about this- forever.” Allow their humanity to haunt them so that they never again discuss women, rights, or freedom.

“I hope they just wear their dresses and nice shoes and pose for pictures on red carpets,” the woman continued. Beyond that, they are not capable of anything. “Tell me the names of all the feminists who have said one word about this?” Fatima asked in a follow-up post.

“You could probably count them on one hand or two. The columnist declared, “The others are attention-seekers, performative feminists, and frauds.”