Azaan Sami Khan holds he is proud to be the son of such renowned figures

Azaan Sami Khan shared his thoughts on his parentage

During an appearance on Ahmed Ali Butt’s podcast Excuse Me, popular singer and composer Azaan Sami Khan, son of well-known Indian musician Adnan Sami Khan and Pakistani film and TV actor Zeba Bakhtiar, discussed his parentage and the unbreakable link he shares with them.

Despite having a successful career in Pakistan’s music industry, Azaan has never made an effort to escape the shadow of his well-known parents. To inquiries concerning his upbringing in a famous family, he said, “There’s no doubt about it—my mother has always been there for me.” My desire has always been to escape from my parents’ shadow. I never feel awful when someone claims I’m their son, no matter what anyone has ever said to me. I’m quite proud of my parents’ identities. That their blood flows through my veins makes me incredibly proud.”

Beyond his parents, Azaan’s humility and thankfulness recognize his grandparents’ history and the accomplishments they have made throughout their lifetimes. “It’s never been about, oh if I do this, I’ll stand out,” he said, emphasizing how inextricably intertwined his accomplishments and success are with theirs. Nope. I know that it’s because of them that I am here. Everything they were able to do has allowed me to be able to do so many things now.”

Azaan also touched on the subject of his father’s choice to renounce his passport and Pakistani identity in order to relocate to India. Adnan Sami Khan’s move to India and his subsequent musical career there attracted a lot of interest and debate. “He is my dad, regardless of whether he is Indian or not,” Azaan wrote. People have told me, “You will benefit from giving a statement against him or India.” I’ve heard this from reliable sources, and I’m like, “Buddy, he’s still my dad.”

Azaan maintained that he has not been raised to speak ill of his parents. Adding that, if necessary, he could seek their counsel privately if they do anything “really wrong,” but the respect he holds for them will remain the same. Even in the face of national-level controversies or public pressure, Azaan asserts, “I will stay their child, so I will continue to respect them.”

Azaan’s candid revelations shed light on the profound respect and admiration he holds for his parents, irrespective of the challenges and expectations that come with their illustrious careers.