Card policies that limit the usage of cash in the real estate industry

Card policies that limit the usage of cash in the real estate industry

The United States government has made the decision to tighten the screws on money laundering and financing of terrorism by limiting the usage of cash and enacting reforms in the real estate industry.

During the first week of May, the National Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism Authority met and took decisions under the direction of Ahmed Sukera, the forum’s chairman.

In addition, the meeting resolved to name BPS-21 officer Ehsan Sadiq as director general of the Authority.

The committee voted to appoint individuals on deputation to operationalize the government entity, according to papers that Geo News has access to.

After the pertinent rules and regulations are finalized, the staff will be hired on a permanent basis.

The paper went on to say that the body also examined how the Internal National Action Plan (INAP) on the problem of cash in organized crime was being implemented.

Regarding the unregistered real estate industry, the forum described it as a form of money laundering that causes the national exchequer to lose a substantial amount of revenue.

The provinces’ recommendations for reforms in the real estate industry were also invited to the meeting.

Amidst an increase in terrorist assaults in the nation, the federal government declared in March of this year that it was reorganizing the National Counter-Terrorism Authority (Nacta) along contemporary lines.

Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi declared, “It is more important [for the government] to take advance actions to eliminate terrorists and their facilitators,” in addition to requesting a thorough report on the capabilities of each province’s counterterrorism departments (CTDs).

The minister announced that the state would not, at all, pardon any terrorist organizations, and that “practical steps” will be done by the federal government in the upcoming days. A national narrative opposing the “extremist ideologies of terrorists” was also suggested by Naqvi.

In addition, a thorough plan would be developed to eradicate extremism and terrorism in addition to guaranteeing “full implementation” of the National Action Plan, which was created by the federal government in December 2014 to intensify the anti-terrorist campaign in the wake of the deadly attack on the Army Public School (APS) in Peshawar.