Catch the drama to prevent missing Saba Qamar, Faiza Gillani, and Fahad Hashmi’s outstanding performances

Catch the drama to prevent missing Saba Qamar, Faiza Gillani

Catch the drama to prevent missing Saba Qamar, Faiza Gillani


If you’re looking for a contemporary take on a local murder mystery, Serial Killer is the ideal book to check out. Serial Killer deviates from the standard whodunit narrative by introducing us to a cast of compelling people, many of whom are vaguely suspicious yet ultimately disclose the identity of the murderer.

A-list actress Saba Qamar stars in the drama as SP Sarah Sikander, a detective tasked with solving a murder case that seems simple at first but is ultimately so complex that it takes up the officer’s days and nights.

SP Without a doubt, Sarah excels in her role as the protagonist of the play. While working with a team that is, at best, incompetent and, at worst, uninterested in solving the murder of local social media star Amna Tufail, aka Zarish, played by Sabeena Farooq, SP Sarah is often plagued by the ghosts of her own past—her parents were killed in front of her eyes.

Apart from Qamar, who did a fantastic job as Sarah, Faiza Gillani’s portrayal of Babra, the owner of a beauty salon, is really outstanding. It is simply amazing how versatile Gillani is in bringing Babra to life, and I have no doubt that she will continue to give performances that not only match but far beyond her current accomplishments. I’m excited to see this talented actor in even more varied roles!

Qamar and Gillani are not the only actors in Serial Killer who give outstanding performances. Not to be overlooked is Fahad Hashmi’s portrayal of the slack and ineffective DSP Mehboob. With a performance that is both funny and awkward, Hashmi brings life to the part and deftly depicts the character’s attempts to please his superior, SP Sarah.

Even if the drama’s plot is condensed (it spans 11 episodes), the audience isn’t precisely pulled along for the ride, but some of the dialogue, if any, could have been more important. Having said that, Umera Ahmed did a good enough job telling the story, and I want to see more unconventional stories from her.

Shahzain’s character seems superfluous in the plot, considering Sarah not just his colleague but also a potential love interest. He doesn’t really advance or improve the narrative. Thankfully, he doesn’t dominate Sarah’s persona or obstruct the story’s progression.

The direction by Fahad Noor is excellent, paying close attention to every little detail in each scene as well as the story’s overall plot in broad strokes. A murder mystery gives a director a lot of leeway to showcase their abilities, but it also poses a task to avoid contradictions, which is one that this one masterfully meets.

The plot and characters of the drama can be a little unclear at first, and you might find yourself suspecting everyone at first and nobody in particular at times. Sometimes the story will make sense only until the terrifyingly horrific ending unveils everything, leaving you completely perplexed as the events unfold in front of you.

I won’t go into too much detail about the plot right now to avoid giving away too much, but you will undoubtedly feel a mixture of hurt and rage when you learn what happened and why.

Don’t forget to watch the section where SP Sarah finally discovers who killed her parents. It’s a poignant and important moment that will test the viewer to the fullest, leaving them to question how much they can ever know about anyone and how much of what they believe to be true may be false.

You will become engrossed in Serial Killer’s compelling narrative and yearn to discover the identity and motivation of the perpetrator. Local television is experimenting with more unusual and creative stuff these days, and I hope this trend continues so we can keep viewing smart programming.

Let me conclude by discussing the soundtrack of the drama Serial Killer. The OST, which was written by Sohail Shehzad and expertly sung by Zeb Bangash, is a masterful addition to the drama, enhancing its intricate plot and skillfully tying the darkness and mystery of the narrative together with hauntingly alluring sound effects.