Pakistan Crisis Baloch Warns of Shortages Amid Protests

Pakistan Crisis Baloch Warns of Shortages Amid Protests

Pakistan Crisis Baloch Warns of Shortages Amid Protests


In a statement, Baloch highlighted the widespread unrest that has affected the common public and economy.

Baloch stated, “There is chaos across the country, and the people are deeply troubled.” He pointed out that the blockade of roads has led to the shutdown of industries, causing significant losses to the trading community.

Expressing concerns over the potential scarcity of essential food items nationwide, Baloch warned, “There is a fear of shortages of foodstuffs across the country.”

He further highlighted the logistical challenges, noting that containers carrying goods are stranded on the roads, exacerbating the crisis.

Pakistan Traders’ Association also raised alarms about the disruption in the supply of medicines to medical stores, making it impossible to deliver essential drugs. “Patients are unable to reach hospitals, and ambulances are struggling to find routes, resulting in fatalities,” Baloch remarked.

Ajmal Baloch has called upon the government to address the current situation by implementing a political solution to alleviate the hardships faced by both the general public and the business community.

Pakistan Transport Council criticizes container seizures amid PTI protests

In response to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) protest in Islamabad, authorities have completely sealed the entry and exit points of the twin cities, Rawalpindi and Islamabad.

Containers have been placed on major routes, including Faizabad Flyover, with heavy police deployment in the area.

Key roads such as Murree Road, Motorway, Rawat, T-Chowk, Taxila, Margalla, and Mandurah have been blocked, along with major highways like Murree Expressway, Hazara Expressway, and connecting roads from Punjab.
