Imran Khan’s speech in National Assembly of Pakistan

As the finance bill for the next fiscal year 2021-22 has been passed on 29th June 2021, the post-budget session is taking place, and the Prime Minister of Pakistan has addressed the national legislative assembly today on 30th June 2021.

PM’s Speech in National Assembly of Pakistan:

At almost 5:00 PM on 30th June Imran Khan addressed the National Assembly of Pakistan regarding the Budget 2021-22. PM began by thanking the PTI members and parliamentary allies for being part of the budget. He then said that all the elections in Pakistan post 70’s era have been controversial and the government has worked for two years to finalize the electoral reforms; and they have been tabled for discussion but no discussion has yet initiated on the topic by the opposition. Moreover, Imran said that Pakistan’s democratic future depends on it; and thereby invited the opposition to participate in the electoral reforms. He said that the only way to solve this election problem is the Electronic Voting Machines (EVM).

PM about construction sector:

PM Khan said that the decision of opening the construction sector; agriculture, and export sector of our country was a wise decision. Furthermore, In June 2021, Pakistan made a historical record as exports reached $2.7 billion in one month. PM said Pakistan is now focusing on export-led growth; is focusing on how to make it easier for SMEs to obtain financing. Moreover, In the agriculture sector; PM appreciated Punjab’s step to introduce Kassan Card; which would lead to data collection, direct subsidies, and helping farmers overcome problems using data. Our country would also focus on seed research and development to increase production so that Pakistan becomes a food exporter again.