Pakistan’s First-Ever Hydro-Powered Crypto Installed In KPk.


Pakistan’s first-ever #cryptomining farm based on hydropower has been established in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Local #crypto evangelist @waqarzaka sharing a video of the site on his official Facebook page.

The Living on The Edge host initiated the small-scale crypto mining project; after receiving approval from the KP government in the name of research and development.

“All I used is my money for this technology setup without any foreign funding;” said #WaqarZaka after setting up shop in KP’s wilderness.

In the past 3 years, Zaka tirelessly pressed the government to legalize #crypto mining in the country. Taking notice of the rising awareness among people for cryptocurrencies. The #KPK government established Pakistan’s first-ever Crypto Advisory Committee. In this regard, the Advisor to the Chief Minister on Science and Technology and Information Technology; Zia Ullah Bangash, steamrolled the provincial government into taking the necessary steps to exploit the #global #crypto trade.

From an economic standpoint, the government intends to solve the blockchain puzzle; with swift deliberation and cooperation from local players and for regulating digital money to the extent that it’s needed.
