Senate resolution calling for Imran’s release

Imran Khan is not allowed to hold meetings in Adiala prison by the authorities

Along with other political figures and journalists, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) presented a motion to the National Assembly Secretariat on Tuesday demanding Imran Khan’s release as the party’s founding chairman.

The resolution was tabled by Asad Qaiser, a former speaker of the National Assembly, and other leaders.The resolution demanded that the unlawful proceedings against Imran Khan be dropped and emphasized his leadership position among the Muslim ummah.

It called for a halt to the “abuse of law” and requested the immediate release of the former prime minister, who is still detained in Adiala Jail.The resolution called for the release of Imran Khan as well as other well-known PTI figures, including as Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Dr. Yasmin Rashid, Pervez Elahi, and Umar Sarfraz Cheema.

In addition, it called for the liberation of all political prisoners as well as Sanam Javed, Ejaz Chaudhry, and Mian Mehmood ur Rasheed.

According to the decision, the proceedings brought against the founder of PTI were without legal basis and were instead motivated by “illegitimate and political motives”. It denounced these acts as harmful to the country and its citizens, claiming that they were planned without strong proof to sway public opinion away from PTI.

In addition, the resolution demanded that the charges against Imran Riaz Khan and Asad Toor be immediately closed and denounced the detention of journalists.Asad Qaiser, a PTI politician who joined SIC following the February 8 elections, claimed to be the nation’s leading political figure while speaking to the media outside the National Assembly.

“Qaiser reiterated the claims that PTI’s mandate was taken away from it and stated that Form 45 is an important document for the ECP that represents a certain outcome. He said that whereas Form-47 displayed a different result, Form-45 only presented one.According to the former NA speaker, the party would firmly defend its rights.

“Our battle extends beyond politics; it is now a fight for our nation,” he said.Asad Qaiser restated the central demand that all establishments respect the boundaries set forth in the constitution.Our main goal is to protect the judiciary’s independence so that it can render fair judgments without giving in to outside pressure.

Regretfully, 180 of our reserved tickets were unjustly taken away,” he bemoaned the loss.In addition, he declared that the PTI movement will not stop and promised to mobilize political forces in order to lead a legitimate and constitutional mass movement.

He threatened to take the party to the streets if PTI’s rights were not recognized.