Pakistan summons Indian diplomat to LOC ceasefire violations

On Tuesday, Pakistan called on the Indian Charge d’Affaires to register a strong protest over LOC ceasefire violations by Indian occupying forces along the Line of Control (LoC). The firing resulted in the martyrdom of one and serious injuries to four innocent civilians.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) issued a statement. It said the Indian Charge d’Affaires Gaurav Ahluwalia; summoned to register Pakistan’s protest over ceasefire violations (September 28, 2020).

Due to indiscriminate firing by Indian troops, a 15-year-old Waleed got martyred. Whereas, 25-year-old Misba Begum; 45-year-old Zaheer Abbas; 80-year-old Qasim Sain; 26-year-old Suleman got injured badly. They were the residents of the Sona Valley and Kartan Village.

The Indian forces along the LoC and WB have been continuously targeting civilian populated areas. They are using artillery fire, heavy-caliber mortars, and automatic weapons, the FO alleged.

This year, India has committed 2,387 ceasefire violations to date. This resulted in 19 martyrdoms and serious injuries to 191 innocent civilians though India keep repeating this despite several protests.

“These horrific violations of international law reflect consistent Indian attempts to intensify the situation along the LoC. These are a serious threat to regional peace and security,” the statement said. Furthermore, India cannot divert attention from the grave human rights situation in the IIOJK by raising tensions along the LoC and the WB.

In conclusion, India has been making its best efforts to spread chaos therefore someone has to make India accountable for its doings. Moreover, Pakistan should take measures of safety to protect itself from Indian attacks.